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In this post, I have gathered important occult and astrological writings about Venus for easier personal reference and hopefully, this will be useful for some of my readers as well.
General occult and astrological information about Venus
Venus, like Mercury, is close to the Sun and by ancients, it was called Cytherea, Aphrodite, Phosphorus, the Morning Star, the Evening Star, Innana, Vesperugo, Exapolis, Amathusia, Coliada, Urania, Queen of Heaven, Astarte, Astaroth, Isis, and Ericina, among others. She is also called Lucifer.
Since the Queen of Heaven is worshiped in Catholicism as well under the guise of mother Mary, no wonder we see in places with many of her statues the prevalence of alcoholism and lewdness, and that’s because love, which Venus, the Queen of Heaven, represents, can be received only in the lowest forms by the masses at this time, unfortunately.
Her mean motion is 59 minutes and 8 seconds and she never exceeds 82 minutes. She’s a feminine planet that is cold and moist. She is nocturnal. Venus rules Friday and its first and eighth astrological hours. She rules the first month of conception and her friends are all planets with the exception of Saturn, according to William Lilly.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra and spends around one month in each zodiac sign. She is in her detriment in Aries and Scorpio (this being worse than her being in Aries), and is in her fall in Virgo, being very weak in this sign. She is exalted in the 27 degrees of Pisces. Having Venus in Scorpio usually encourages unnatural sexual thoughts and expressions.
She governs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn daytime. She is retrograde for around 6 weeks in 18 months. Venus is considered a Lesser Fortune, the Greater Fortune being Jupiter. So in whichever house she is found, she usually brings some sort of luck or ease.
Her influence is strengthened by wearing a diamond (the diamond should touch your skin). However, if she’s very opposed by other planets and is in general very afflicted in your natal chart, wearing a diamond may actually attract misfortune unless you know how to convert those negative energies to positive ones; so you should know what you are doing.
If this planet influences the ascendant, according to Vedic astrology, the person is of a noble birth (a Brahmin). Venus or the Moon in the fifth house of the natal chart sometimes indicates that the first child will be a girl.
It’s because of her influence that people are driven to get a haircut, put on makeup, and improve their appearance in other ways. But with harsh aspects in the natal chart, she can also encourage one to overspend or to spend on things one doesn’t really need; afflicted she may give a tendency to buy shiny or pretty objects of no value.
She might also encourage obsessions about one’s appearance, for example, or not being able to see your beauty and think yourself ugly. She, being afflicted, may encourage one to treat people one likes as personal possessions.
Men with afflicted Venus in the second house may treat their relationships as victories, and women – as personal possessions which strengthen their egos. The same could be the case if a negative ray from some planet in the second house targets Venus, but planets and signs need to be paid attention to, to be really sure.
Venus in mythology
In mythology, Venus is associated not only with sexual love but also with unconditional love which results in resurrection, enlightenment, and immortality. We can find this self-sacrificing love portrayed in one of my favorite mystical books, Zanoni, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This higher type of love is expressed in Venus in the sign of Pisces; Venus in Taurus is an earthly love whilst Venus is Libra is a higher type of love, a step below Venus in Pisces.
In the past, in Greece and in the Roman Empire, people prayed to goddesses representing this planet if they wanted to get married or have children. Her sacred month in the Roman Empire was told to be April, because of its association with the blossoming of trees and flowers – the nature becoming fertile again after winter.
A rose, myrtle, and apple were sacred to this goddess in the Roman Empire. She was sometimes portrayed as emerging from the sea, and therefore she was also believed to be a sea goddess. She was also the goddess of victory, as well as prostitution, both of these being associated with sexual potency since victory can only be won when one has enough of virility. Venus is associated with semen in Vedic astrology.
In Greek mythology, she was told to have numerous love affairs and many children from different gods as well as mortal men, though she was married. She was forced into marriage with Hephaistos (Vulcan), the crippled god of fire, metallurgy, and crafts.

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Venus in palmistry
Venus doesn’t rule any finger in palmistry but only the large mount under the thumb (the thumb is usually told to be ruled by Mars, or no particular planet is assigned to it).
If the mount of Venus is raised and pink, this shows the person to have a lot of passion and vitality. If it looks like it has been deflated and rayed with lines, it means that the person has lived a life of dissipation.
If the mount is flat (rather than deflated), it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person doesn’t enjoy pleasurable things, but it could mean, for example, that pleasure first starts in the mind.
In general, all flat, and thus, negative, mounts are told to take on more mental qualities of the planets ruling them, rather than physical.
Also, if the area of the mount of Venus close to the line of life is of a bluish tinge, it can mean that the person has weak organs of generation, or there could be some diseases associated with them.
Mental characteristics of a person born under the rule of Venus
Venus gives a lovely personality but the person may be very flirtatious. He is charming and magnetic. He attracts love and doesn’t need to go to search for it. He strives for peace and will do all it takes to avoid discord. He is very social but is not loud. He loves harmony.
He dresses well and his speech and manners are refined. He takes great care of his hygiene, loves music, delights in bathing, likes happy social gatherings, entertainment, and plays of all sorts. He easily believes whatever he is told and he doesn’t like to work hard or do anything else that requires a lot of effort.
He is cheerful, moral, and easily trusts people.
However, when Venus is afflicted, then she makes a person a big spender, someone who argues, a lecher who loves lewd companies; who doesn’t care about his reputation and is into all sorts of sexual perversions and unlawful unions; he spends his money in bars and clubs, is careless about his life, and has no faith in anything that he cannot touch. He has zero spirituality.
Physical characteristics of a person born under the rule of Venus
People who are ruled by Venus will have feminine characteristics but that doesn’t necessarily have to affect their sexual orientation. Venus gives a medium stature, a medium-light complexion, black curly hair (according to Vedic astrology, whilst in the West – light brown hair that is smooth and abundant), large round wandering eyes, and dimples.
Venus gives a round full face, beautifully-shaped red lips, an exceedingly well-shaped body that tends towards weight-gain. The person ruled by Venus has good vitality.
What Venus represents in astrology
She represents arts, beauty, glamour, luxury, sex, semen, love, romance, shiny things, like jewelry; she represents women, and in a man’s chart she stands for a lover. She can also represent a wife.
If you observe in which sign she is placed in someone’s natal chart, you can know the love preferences of that person. In a man’s chart, it shows what kind of woman he is likely to fall in love with, and in a woman’s chart, this is shown by the sign in which Mars is placed.
Venus also represents makeup, clothes, flirting, refinement, vitality, harmony, decoration; artists, dancers, and performers are often ruled by this planet. Venus is seen as an adviser in the material domain, whilst Jupiter – in the spiritual.
Diseases and imbalances caused by Venus
Venus causes venereal diseases; according to Vedic astrology, she can also cause poor eyesight, premature bolding, and other diseases caused by the wastage of semen, such as the loss of intelligence. It also can cause urinary diseases or any diseases of the organs of reproduction.
Western astrology also adds impotence, diabetes, and hernia to the list of diseases caused by Venus. (Diabetes can be caused by Jupiter a well).
Plants, animals, places, and metals ruled by Venus
Herbs ruled by Venus
All herbs governed by this planet have a sweet flavor and a pleasant smell. They often have white flowers with smooth-edged leaves.
Myrtle ♀️ Yellow and white Lilly growing in water and on land ♀ Cuckoo Pint ♀ Violet ♀ Maidenhair Fern ♀ White and yellow daffodil ♀️ White rose
Trees ruled by Venus
Sweet apple ♀️ Fig ♀️ White sycamore ♀️ Wild Ash ♀️ Olive ♀️ Sweet orange ♀️ Turpentine ♀️ Walnut ♀️ Almond ♀️ Musk ♀️ Peach ♀️ Apricot ♀️ Plum
Animals ruled by Venus
Panther ♀️ Small cattle ♀️ Deer ♀️ Calf ♀️ Dolphin
Birds ruled by Venus
Dove, swan, the sparrow is ruled by Venus according to Roman mythology. According to Western astrology, she rules:
Stock dove ♀️ Sparrow ♀️ Hen ♀️ Nightingale ♀️ Pelican ♀️ Thrush ♀️ Grey partridge ♀️ Ficedula ♀️ Small birds that feed on grapes ♀️ Wren ♀️ Eagle ♀️ Swan ♀️ Swallow ♀️ Pye ♀️ Common blackbird
Places ruled by Venus
Gardens ♀️ Fountains ♀️ Bride-chambers ♀️ Beautiful lodgings ♀️ Beds ♀️ Places were curtains are hung ♀️ Dance schools ♀️ Wardrobes
Metals and stones ruled by Venus
Copper ♀️ Brass ♀️ Diamond ♀️ Carnelian ♀️ Light-blue sapphire ♀️ White and red coral ♀️ Lapis Lazuli ♀️ Alabaster ♀️ Chrisolite ♀️ Beryl
Colors ruled by Venus
White ♀️ Light blue mixed with brown ♀️ Green
…according to William Lilly.
This is all the information I have for you about Venus. If you wish to share something more about this planet, please do so in the comments.
Go to: Sun – Moon – Mercury – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn – Uranus – Neptune – Pluto
- A Manual of Classical Mythology by Thomas Swinburne Carr
- The Mythology of Venus by Helen Benigni
- Aphrodite and Venus in Myth and Mimesis by Nora Clark
- Venus – Ancient History Encyclopedia
- Hephaistos – Ancient History Encyclopedia
- TheAstroCodex Venus Information
- Venus (Mythology) on Wikipedia
- Christian Astrology by William Lilly
- Practical Astrology by St. Germain
- Everybody’s Guide to Palmistry by K. Das
- Cheiro’s Language of the Hand
- Jataka Parijata, Vol I. (Vol II. is here)
- Astrology in Vedas by J. N. Bhasin
- Learn Astrology The Easy Way (Vedic) by Dr. Gauri Shankar Kapoor
- Textbook of Scientific Hindu Astrology II by Prof. P. S. Sastri
Just to be clear, according to you: “planets are huge bodies like earth, rotating around their sun” or not?
Sorry if this is slightly offtopic but I don’t know if you still believe in a flat earth.
I see both sides very polarized – flat earthers and the ball earth believers; both fight for concepts which is what the dark forces want. First should come a human being, then a concept. The truth might be in between and as long as no party has solid evidence (and NASA photoshopped images don’t count) I will keep silent.