This is a summary of the chapter from an old astrological work with my own commentary and additions found in brackets.
Where we find the Sun in our natal chart shows the kind of limitations that are placed on our individuality in this life. Although limited, it gives us a glimpse of the person’s spiritual substance. This substance is also limited by the personality which is shown by the Moon’s location in the chart.
The Moon absorbs the influences of all the planets which aspect it. This, combined with its zodiac sign and house, show what our personality is and the kind of limitations that are placed on it. This makes it difficult for us to express our individuality symbolized by the Sun which is already limited on this physical plane.
The Moon represents the (lower) intellect and only when it works in harmony with the heart can we expect harmony to take place in our lives.
In the natal chart the body is represented by the ascendant whose sign is the cross (+). We find these three – the Sun (☉), Moon ( ☽ ) and Ascendant (+), combined in the symbol of Mercury ( ☿ ). Mercury represents our intelligence. If we use our intelligence to learn the lessons of this life, then the Moon or the Ascendant will not be able to pose as many limitations on our being.
If this happens, our Individuality (☉) will rule our personality ( ☽ ) and body (+).
In Saturn ( ♄ ) the Moon ( ☽ ) is placed below the Ascendant (+). This means that the soul is limited to express itself because of matter. Excessive materialism produces selfishness and egotism, for which Saturn stands.
If Saturn badly aspects the Sun or Moon, this produces fears, deep sadness and coldness. But if it positively aspects these planetary bodies, (it means the harsh lessons of Saturn were learned and the person has a strong, serious and reliable character).
Listen to “Fate and Free Will – From an Old Astrology Book” on Spreaker.
It’s really difficult to have these main planetary bodies negatively aspected by Saturn but this also can be an excellent learning experience, purifying us and making us stronger through obstacles and other adversities.
Saturn is the “Watcher on the Threshold”, the biblical Satan. Mars, on the other hand, is symbolized in the Bible by the Devil. Both of these evils can be used for our greatest good, if we learn the lessons that they teach us (by being violent (Mars) we cause pain to others; by being selfish (Saturn) we also cause pain. When we see that, we want to change. That’s how these planets teach us to transcend our lower aspects).
If Saturn is prominent in the chart it often signifies that the time for higher learning has come, so the heavy hand of Saturn will be felt, directing the person through difficult lessons to quickly grow and progress.
A person is born when planetary influences are in exact accordance to her karma and character. The astral body information can be obtained by knowing the exact time of conception which is possible to do through astrology (about that in another chapter). The moment when the sperm comes in contact with the ovum is called the epoch.
This applies for births which weren’t induced. But what if the birth is delayed or quickened for one reason or another? The author honestly acknowledges that he doesn’t know, but it makes sense that even this quickening or delay was according to our karma. However, much more research is needed to really know.
However, if parents know the conception time they will be able to set up the natal chart nine months before the child’s birth and learn a great deal not only about the astral body, but also about the physical body and character of the future child.
We can rule planetary influences to the degree that we work in harmony with the cosmos. That’s the only way, the author claims, to rule planetary influences to a degree. None of us can fully escape planetary influences, but those who align with the Universe will have the easiest time. Still, because we possess physical bodies, we will experience easier times when harmonious aspects are present and more difficult ones – when discordant ones operate.
(For example, there could be slight irritation when Mars makes a negative aspect with the Moon; whilst for an undeveloped person this could manifest as violence, even fight with knives or other metal objects which would be a very literal interpretation of the aspect).
So this is very important for astrologers to take note – identical aspects will affect people of different consciousness levels in different ways. People of higher consciousness levels can escape problems created by harsh aspects to a large degree, whilst the people of lower consciousness would not be able to. This kind of large freedom from planetary influences comes when one gets bound to the Creator and therefore becomes almost identical to the Universe in will.
But even if a person chooses to act in complete opposition to the will of the Universe great growth takes place, because she gets hurt in some way from acting in such a manner and this serves as a learning experience to become more harmonious with the laws of this Universe.
There are some people who find it much more difficult to control planetary influences, and this can be seen in one’s natal chart. If the Moon is strong in one’s chart or watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are heavy with (personal) planets, these are the signs that the person will find it difficult to escape the fate.
On the other hand, if fixed signs are heavy with (personal) planets or there’s a fixed sign on the ascendant or the Moon is there, this shows a greater development of the will and therefore the person is capable of taking destiny into his own hands.
If a negative planet, especially Mars, is in the Midheaven or Nadir, and in a bad aspect to the Sun or Moon, this shows great impulsiveness and this makes a person a plaything of circumstances unless there are particular positive aspects to the Sun or Moon which change this predicament.
In the next blog post about this astrological work I will discuss symbology in astrology.
Hi Simona
Based upon your knowledge of astrology and spiritual texts, could you impart some light on SUICIDE. I am much intrigued about this topic. Is suicide by a person is planned in his destiny? Is it just another way of death of a person like the usual as by illness, accidents etc.? What happens to a person after death who committs suicide? Does he abruptly or unexpectedly or by destiny stops his karmic ties with his relatives? I keep thinking about it but don’t find an answer. Do you have some insights on suicide? Could you write an article on this topic?
Thank you, Hansa, maybe I will. There’s a lot to be said about it. No, you cannot severe karmic ties through suicide, you cannot get rid of karma unless you pay for it.
Dear Simona,
I have read a bit about North Node synastry – the placement of North Node square Venus is said to be the position of star-crossed lovers. Does it mean that there is possiblity of reunion once karmic lessons have been learnt in regards to love and personal relationships, or there is no way to escape planetary influence throughout the lifetime?
Thank you!
That’s what I think too. Again, this is my opinion and these kinds of planetary aspects are speculative so I’m not saying that I know for sure. But I believe that if you overcome some love-related obstacles, you can meet your soulmate in this life if you have this planetary signature. Then in next life it will change to a sextile or trine, and then you may meet the soulmate from a very early age in that life.