by Simona Rich | Dec 27, 2018 |
It is a widely reported phenomenon that if you donate money, you get more of it. And this, I believe, comes from the times of planet worship, when people knew how to please each planet responsible for different areas of life. For example, it is still known in India...
by Simona Rich | Dec 19, 2018 |
One of the reasons I post irregularly is because I pay attention to dates – some of them are lucky for me, and some aren’t. I’ve noticed that posting on right dates increased my income, though as of yet I see only a slight rise in the subscriber number....
by Simona Rich | Dec 8, 2018 |
I haven’t even noticed how gradually I learnt one of the most important lessons when it comes to work. The event that helped me to understand that I learnt this lesson was yet again the interview with Shah Rukh Khan, from whom I learnt so much. He told in one of...
by Simona Rich | Dec 4, 2018 |
Some people were wondering how come I was able to learn astrology so fast. Firstly, I should say that astrology is a subject that you cannot complete studying in one lifetime; but, of course, there comes a stage where you can say that you know a great deal about it....
by Simona Rich | Dec 1, 2018 |
Although I went through the full awakening of kundalini now around two years ago, I still analyze what happened during that time, as well as observe the developments since then. And now I think I have arrived at the best explanation of the kundalini process. Kundalini...
by Simona Rich | Nov 25, 2018 |
This is a fully revised and updated version of a book I wrote years ago about my personal method of getting deep into meditation. This book is written to help you get into deep meditation through a different meditation task each day. The purpose of this book is to get...