by Simona Rich | Apr 19, 2020 |
Since I’m researching the plandemic to understand more about it, I recently obtained more information which helped me to connect the dots further, thanks to satanic ritual abuse victims’ testimonies, Amazing Polly, Rockefeller’s 2010 plan, 1969...
by Simona Rich | Mar 29, 2020 |
Although I really need to be working on a client’s life assessment, I must share the dream that I got this night related to coronavirus. (I guess I should also tell you that before falling asleep I was sending the energy of peace and healing to the people around...
by Simona Rich | Mar 4, 2020 |
This is a summary of the chapter from an old astrological work with my own commentary and additions found in brackets. Where we find the Sun in our natal chart shows the kind of limitations that are placed on our individuality in this life. Although limited, it gives...
by Simona Rich | Mar 1, 2020 |
This is a chapter summary of an old occult astrology book available on For the study of astrology it’s unnecessary to believe in reincarnation. The author knew many astrologers who did not believe in reincarnation, but he believed that if those...
by Simona Rich | Jan 29, 2020 |
A few days ago I woke up to see a fist-sized ball-shaped black spider coming from the window and then trying to go into the ceiling. It attempted to do so a few times, seemingly disturbed that I can see it, until it disappeared. I’m not afraid of spiders –...
by Simona Rich | Nov 26, 2019 |
I’m so grateful to have come across rosicrucian astrology. It has lots of good information about the spiritual side of one’s natal chart as well as detailed explanation of medical astrology. In this post I’m going to share with you what it says about...