Rockefeller’s 2010 Pandemic Plan

Rockefeller’s 2010 Pandemic Plan

In the video that I uploaded on BitChute (since YouTube wouldn’t upload my videos anymore) I’m reading out a pandemic scenario of 2010 of the Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network. All the four scenarios can be read in full here. Since the...
Detaching From Reptilian Oppressors

Detaching From Reptilian Oppressors

People don’t want to see the horrors on which our civilization was built. Other civilizations were also built on the blood of children. Those who are in power are predators. They are called the blue bloods. They have reptilian genes which makes them feel...
Adrenochrome, Trump, Sadhguru, Jesus and More

Adrenochrome, Trump, Sadhguru, Jesus and More

In this article, I’m going to share with you some new developments with regards to the plandemic situation and some subjects that came up in the interactions with my readers. Censorship Firstly, censorship. It’s huge now everywhere, especially on YouTube...
Fate and Free Will – From an Old Astrology Book

Fate and Free Will – From an Old Astrology Book

This is a summary of the chapter from an old astrological work with my own commentary and additions found in brackets. Where we find the Sun in our natal chart shows the kind of limitations that are placed on our individuality in this life. Although limited, it gives...