What I Learnt From a Psychopath

What I Learnt From a Psychopath

Negative experiences can make us greatly progress. People try to avoid trials and they generally desire to put negative experiences behind them. However, trials and negative experiences are like diamonds hidden in soil; a wise soul uncovers precious lessons in each...
A Spiritual Law to Be the Master of Your Life

A Spiritual Law to Be the Master of Your Life

In this post I would like to share with you a spiritual law that I found a long time ago through the trials of my life. If you have been my long-time reader, you know that I have gone through some radical changes of outlook which I describe in the about me page. This...
Hermeticism on Celibacy

Hermeticism on Celibacy

 In this article I wanted to clarify the hermetic stance on celibacy as a result of some comments that I received in response to the video and article on the hermetic take on twin souls. Hermeticism is not against celibacy per se, but because most celibates do not...