by Simona Rich | Apr 19, 2019 |
In this personal update I would like to address a few topics. Firstly, I would like to address one issue with regards to me making relationship posts. This is because I got a comment in which a reader expressed disappointment due to me departing from spirituality and...
by Simona Rich | Apr 10, 2019 |
Negative experiences can make us greatly progress. People try to avoid trials and they generally desire to put negative experiences behind them. However, trials and negative experiences are like diamonds hidden in soil; a wise soul uncovers precious lessons in each...
by Simona Rich | Apr 3, 2019 |
In this post I would like to share with you a spiritual law that I found a long time ago through the trials of my life. If you have been my long-time reader, you know that I have gone through some radical changes of outlook which I describe in the about me page. This...
by Simona Rich | Mar 27, 2019 |
In this article I wanted to clarify the hermetic stance on celibacy as a result of some comments that I received in response to the video and article on the hermetic take on twin souls. Hermeticism is not against celibacy per se, but because most celibates do not...
by Simona Rich | Mar 24, 2019 |
Hermeticism is an esoteric tradition that came from Egypt and found fertile ground in the West. Western esoteric doctrines are largely influenced by Hermeticism, and this philosophy is almost the polar opposite to the Indian esotericism. In Hermeticism there’s a...
by Simona Rich | Mar 7, 2019 |
There might be a reduction in the frequency of my posting since I’m now committing myself to writing a book on hermeticism. If I don’t publicly commit, I may never write it, thus this post. Also, I will try to keep up with the normal frequency of posting as much as I...