Seven Chakras Explained: The Centers of Your Energy Body

Seven Chakras Explained: The Centers of Your Energy Body

In this post, you will find out about the nature of the seven chakras of the human body, as well as what happens when each chakra gets blocked, as well as their correspondences to various material and non-material aspects of this existence. The concept of chakras...
You are the Creator of your Life

You are the Creator of your Life

It’s very often that you hear in new-age circles about you being the creator of your life. But how many people really understand this? Very few, as shown by their lives. If you really understand this fact, your life will change according to your preferences. But...
How to Know if A Decision is Right For You

How to Know if A Decision is Right For You

Many know the importance of listening to their hearts, but how to exactly do this? In this article, I’ll explain this important topic. It’s your Inner Self that knows what’s best for you – not your mind. The mind, however, is very loud, so most...
Today’s Obsession With Youth and Beauty

Today’s Obsession With Youth and Beauty

In the days of our grandparents or grand-grandparents, never did they have any issue with growing old. They accepted this process as a part of life. In those days, spouses were chosen not for good looks but because of their character features and industry. Now, the...