The Untold Truth About Having Children

The Untold Truth About Having Children

In the video I’m reading out an article I had found very revealing about motherhood problems. It deals with the experiences of mothers who regretted having children. You can read it here. In this post I will mention some of my feedback about the article and I...
Why I Don’t Want to Have Children

Why I Don’t Want to Have Children

Never in my life did I ever want to have children. Not everyone wants to have children, and unfortunately some women feel pressured to have them when in truth they don’t want this responsibility. I remember when I was reading the book by Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat,...
My Long-Distance Relationship Update

My Long-Distance Relationship Update

It’s been now a year of my relationship with my boyfriend from India. Our bond was strengthened as a result of great distance separating us. Long-distance relationships can either strengthen or break bonds. The same applies to traveling together. When you travel...