by Simona Rich | Apr 17, 2022 |
In the above video, I share with you a shift I’m going through – gearing towards one type of client to work with and to offer products and services for. I want to do this for greater business clarity and focus, which I’m guided to establish now....
by Simona Rich | Jan 10, 2022 |
Finally, I have some time to write about what I was going through these days. I’ve managed to publish a video too. I don’t remember the end of the year being that busy for me ever. This is because my existing customers order six or twelve-month forecasts...
by Simona Rich | Dec 6, 2021 |
Today it’s holding steady -15°C (5F) whilst all these other days the weather was slightly just above or below freezing, or was holding at zero degrees. But I’m glad to have found out that my log house holds heat very well – the temperature...
by Simona Rich | Nov 13, 2021 |
Thanks to the fake c ov id situation, travel is restricted for the non-vac ci nated ones. As any seeming misfortune can be turned to one’s advantage, I used this limitation to free myself. Since I was quite burned by an out-of-control kundalini awakening in the...
by Simona Rich | Nov 2, 2021 |
As the weather is getting colder, I find myself more and more indoors. But there’s a lot to do. If I’m not working on life assessments, writing articles or making videos, I’m painting the living room. If I’m not painting, I’m reading...
by Simona Rich | Sep 25, 2021 |
V…x…ed people haven’t yet lost the connection to God – in my own experience. The volunteer girl that I have on my farm at the moment was surely directed by God to find me, even though my profile on that volunteering website was expired. She...