by Simona Rich | Aug 24, 2023 |
It’s very often that you hear in new-age circles about you being the creator of your life. But how many people really understand this? Very few, as shown by their lives. If you really understand this fact, your life will change according to your preferences. But...
by Simona Rich | Apr 5, 2022 |
I’m sure everyone of you knows about how manifesting works. Though some teachers can slightly differ in how they describe this technique, they all describe pretty much the same way of manifesting. It’s about picturing in your mind what you want to possess...
by Simona Rich | Mar 27, 2022 |
Here is an easy way to change your energy field, to open it up to unexpected opportunities, more possibilities and the manifestations of your desires. The best part about this tip is that it requires almost no effort and usually no expenses of any kind. A bit of a...
by Simona Rich | Oct 20, 2021 |
I believe in fate. As an astrologer, I see fate in action every time I look at the chart of someone I know. My own life proves it – were I really to rcreate my own life just as I want, at the moment I would be living my life in India with my boyfriend. Would...
by Simona Rich | Dec 22, 2020
I discovered this abundance prayer not long ago, and I really liked the way it sounded. When I started saying it, a very strange series of events happened. Every time I said this prayer, I would get some sort of money very soon after. It’s been five days now that I...
by Simona Rich | Dec 16, 2020 |
In this post, I’m going to share with you a very important lesson that I came across in A Course in Miracles. It’s about how to be safe and provided for no matter what. (If you don’t know what ACIM is, I wrote an article about it.) The course states...