by Simona Rich | Mar 3, 2019 |
There is a lot of talk about celebrity transgenders nowadays. I actually was the one partly responsible for the trend on YouTube, because I picked up on that piece of knowledge early and made a video about it which quickly received half a million views. My video...
by Simona Rich | Feb 21, 2019 |
In this post I would like to share with you an occult law you probably didn’t know. And that’s because it’s not talked about in New Age circles as New Age teachers don’t know anything abut it. This law helps you to rule your circumstances and...
by Simona Rich | Feb 18, 2019 |
As a result of my new relationship about which I first wrote here, I have made a discovery about the spiritual part of our relationship. I know many people talk about soulmates, and that you have your other half somewhere in the world, whom, if you are both...
by Simona Rich | Feb 6, 2019 |
When people think negative thoughts, act selfishly and destructively, they attract negative entities and elementals into their energy fields. Such creatures dissipate their life force and tempt them to act in a yet more evil way. When you feel very negative energy...
by Simona Rich | Jan 9, 2019 |
In this post, I will share with you how to use planetary days and hours for more ease and success in your day to day activity. Each day is ruled by a specific planet. Here are the days of the week together with their rulers: (The names of the days came straight from...
by Simona Rich | Jan 2, 2019 |
This is a personal update post about what’s happening in my life at this moment. Firstly, I should tell you some developments that happened as a result of kundalini awakening. As you may know, I have gone through the full kundalini awakening experience about...