It’s Unwise to Give Your Power Away

It’s Unwise to Give Your Power Away

My above video is different from this article because I was recording what was on my mind, but in content both are very similar.  The video below is a perfect illustration of what happens in major spiritual cults of today, be it in India or the West. I have no...

Am I Against Mind-Altering Substances

This is in response to a few questions that I received as a result of my previous video and article on regaining the Kingdom of God. I was asked if I recommend using mind-altering substances, such as psychedelic mushrooms or LSD, in order to achieve a no-mind, oneness...

Personal Transformation Through Relationships

Relationships are wonderful tools for personal transformation, but they usually end when the transformation just starts happening. Here I’m talking about the time when personal hurts and personal brokenness come out, which mark the start of a challenging time...