The problem with the statement “They can do what they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone”
Before the deliberate destruction of a larger family structure and the community, humans had their moral compasses adjusted by such persons. That’s how humanity remained quite morally intact throughout all these centuries. Yes, there were criminal tendencies,...
What Being Present Means, and What It Does to You
We hear a lot about being present, but what does it actually mean, and how to do it? It’s simple to understand, but very hard to do. It helps a lot if you do information purge and if you already have some kind of spiritual practice. Being present means getting...
Claim Your Power Spot (Video)
In this video, I show you how to claim your power spot for grounding, magnetizing your aura, and opening up to more psychic abilities.

Boring, Monotonous Life Means You Ignore the Guidance System
Recently, I watched a video about a day of a beauty vlogger. She spent the day driving, going to a doctor, applying makeup, filling in gas, and she said that she usually would visit clothing stores, but not on that day. What a dull way to spend one’s time. And...