A Concise OBE Course to Shift Your Frequency

A Concise OBE Course to Shift Your Frequency

About the course – a video introduction Scroll down if you wish to read instead. What the course is about – in short: It’s a concise, one-hour-long video which will be available as an unlisted YouTube video.  The full benefits and contents of...
How to Raise Your Frequency Through Astral Travel

How to Raise Your Frequency Through Astral Travel

I feel like I’m back from the dead due to the food poisoning I got as a result of eating sweets from the ISKCON temple in Bangalore.  I was lying in bed for two days, but now, with more energy, I’m back:) I’ve just created the course, which was in my...
You Are Invited to a FREE Zoom Event

You Are Invited to a FREE Zoom Event

Next Sunday (November 5th) join my FREE Zoom event at 6 pm Indian time. To see when the event takes place in your time, you can click on my YouTube Premiere video: https://youtu.be/czuVtP1fRy4 Zoom event details:...
The Work Period Starts (Personal Update)

The Work Period Starts (Personal Update)

I’m in Kolkata at the moment. These few months were all about intense travel. My husband and I have visited Delhi, Rishikesh, Pokhara, Kathmandu, Bihar, and now – Kolkata. I made videos of our travels and uploaded them on my Instagram and YouTube. When I...