Surreal Time (What I’m Going Through Now)

Surreal Time (What I’m Going Through Now)

Many things happened after my last update, and I wrote the last post only five days ago. In several recent articles, I told that, according to astrology, a difficult time in my life is starting. This couldn’t be more true. You can read the previous articles...
About Death and the Freedom From the System

About Death and the Freedom From the System

My father died a few days ago. I didn’t sense the time of his death, and there was nothing unusual that happened since. I have no connection to this man as he inflicted much harm to our family, and then left us. This proves to me that you don’t make a...
Do You Have Free Will in This Life?

Do You Have Free Will in This Life?

In the past, there was no free will in astrology. I think now it’s as fatalistic as it always was, but there seems to be some degree of freedom for those who are spiritually awake. For example, for the unaware ones, astrological symbols manifest very physically....
Personal Update: More Problems

Personal Update: More Problems

In the previous personal update, I told you about bad transits currently happening in my life which caused some problems. The problems continue. These are the worst transits I ever had in my life. A few days ago, I was taking a shower, and a showerhead detached from...
Personal Update: A Challenging Time

Personal Update: A Challenging Time

Since one of the most important planets in my natal chart is being attacked now, difficulties, of course, follow. A few days ago, I had such intense tooth pain at night, that I was even thinking of calling emergency services. However, I decided to try to heal it in a...