In this article, I’m going to share with you some new developments with regards to the plandemic situation and some subjects that came up in the interactions with my readers.
Firstly, censorship. It’s huge now everywhere, especially on YouTube and Google. That’s what I predicted astrologically. If you search on Google for anything smelling of conspiracy, you will get pages upon pages of damage control websites such as or news articles mocking conspiracies.
So the way that I search is changing. On Google, I often type exact phrases in quotes to avoid damage control websites and mocking news websites. For example, if you type Queen is a reptilian you will get pages of news articles about a crazy conspiracy (except for one Pinterest page).
Our search, therefore, should become more specific. It’s better to search for “queen is reptilian” – in quotes.
Then truth information comes out, but interestingly most of it is from Pinterest. I looked up the owner and I don’t recognize this guy, so I wonder if he’s not involved wit the elite and doesn’t censor the site. But I really don’t know, I haven’t researched his background.
Since I’m using YouTube a lot, now I’ve found that it’s not good to rely on suggested videos as most of them serve the agenda of the elite. There are loads of Christian videos coming up as suggested ones too, and this could be due to their demand now, or maybe they’re pushed as a controlled opposition.
On YouTube, I watch some recommended-by-my-readers videos and if they’re good, then I check the main channel. Often that channel has other good videos. Another way is to read the comments as sometimes readers suggest good further videos, or to find out the author of the video and YouTube or Google their work.
This strategy works on Twitter too, and that’s how I’ve found some good documentaries like Fall Cabal.
The above video is absolutely incredible and I highly recommend watching it. However, the person who created it was biased, because Donald Trump is shown as a hero without any blemish.
Whilst I hope he works for humanity and I’m amazed that some influential evildoers such as Weinstein or Epstein were finally caught, it’s still important not to overlook the negative side of President Trump.
From strange photos with his daughter, to his recorded interview in which he told that his daughter made him promise not to date anyone younger than her; to the fact that he marries younger models when previous ones get old.
These should not be overlooked! We must stay objective. So whilst I hope he’s doing all he can to free humanity, we should not put all our hopes on him and wait.
The elite wants us to believe in some savior. That reminds me of some videos I saw of a huge peaceful protest taking place in China, I believe, where some protesters held a slogan “Trump, save us”. Some of them got killed.
Let’s not passively wait for someone else to help us. The elite wants us to wait for some savior. This keeps us inactive, thus not a treat to the evil ones.
Update: since I don’t personally know this man, I cannot judge him. Although there are some allegations made against him that seem to be more likely true than false, it’s not right for me to accuse him of anything since I wasn’t there to witness his deeds.
In the Bible it is told that the whole world will be deceived. From the video testimonials of people who were the survivors of satanic ritual abuse (such as this one), it becomes clear that:
- Popes
- Protestant and other Christian pastors
- Rabbis
Are all friends, torturing and raping children whilst adhering to the rules of the Old Testament to sacrifice the firstborn (as it belongs to YHWH according to the Bible).
This makes it clear that they worship Jehovah, the god of this world. He gives riches in this world to those who adhere to his rules. This is Satan (Saturn), in my opinion.
Jesus is told to be the son of God. If he’s the son of Yehovah, then he’s a rebellious one trying to usurp his power as YHWH told that he doesn’t share his glory with anyone.
Jesus and Lucifer are one and the same, I believe. Lucifer was cast down from above, and that’s what Jesus said – that he came from above, which was a blasphemy to say. It was predicted that Lucifer will try to take over, but that he would not succeed. Jesus is expected by Christians to come back to save them.
This world is a very dark place and I think some of the bright souls are incarnated here to make those of the earth to wake up so that they don’t experience doom. I believe Christianity serves as a controlled opposition. Christians will be harmless to the elite during the endgame. They will be waiting for their savior rather than helping with the situation.
If Jesus truly died for us, he wouldn’t be so egotistic as to give conditions such as that only those are saved who personally acknowledge him as a savior. That’s childish, if you really think about it, and any sane being wouldn’t present such a condition when the other option is everlasting hell.
It’s the same old habit of humanity to give away their power to someone else. This is very, very dangerous. Do not willingly give up the freedom of your soul.
Christianity is designed to divide. Country borders are designed to divide. When we are divided, we fall. We must forget religious and national differences and unite; otherwise we are easily controlled. Our power lies in Unity.
Finally, there’s a lot of talk at this time about adrenochrome. It’s told to be the hormonal substance that is excreted by the brain of tortured and frightened people. It’s told that the richest people of the world consume it, such as Elizabeth II, to keep themselves youthful and energetic.
If you check the hashtag ‘adrenochromewithdrawal”, you will find many people on Twitter claiming that celebrities are becoming terribly aged because due to the lockdown they’re not getting their supply of this hormone.
There are only a few pictures trying to prove this, but I find some misleading, like comparing a picture of a celebrity taken years ago to how they look now. So although I do believe that they’re consuming this substance, I’m not convinced that they’re now totally off it.
So these are the things that were on my mind these few days. I know many people will be insulted by this piece but this wasn’t written to accomplish such a purpose. It was written for people to be more aware and more objective. It’s very easy to be one-sided, but that’s what can cause you to make mistakes.
Therefore, I hope that this post will be at least considered.
So do you mean that sadguru is not awakened person?and if its the case then what makes so many people follow him?what is that one thing that attract millions towards him?there should be something that draws millions attention then what is it? And what is your take on osho was he awakened person?
What attracts millions to pop stars? Maybe black magic rituals?
Oh this is the case intresting!! But Simona tell me these people who use gods name for there own purposes do not fear god for whatever they do and god doesn’t get angry for this all? Cause I guess most of them live there life in very “calm way” all there life..?
I don’t know what you really mean but this world is ruled by Satan so it would explain why sometimes the bad ones aren’t punished. But I really wouldn’t like to be them after death…
You are doing great work . I was thinκing the same of Sadhguru cause one time someone asked about illuminati is real to him . So instead of answering the question he go on saying about history of Freemasons and shit . Godd this world really needs to wake up.
Also it really feels like Osho is enlightened what do you think ?
He wasn’t enlightened because wealth mattered to him a lot but he was a really unique person.
Totally agree about Sadguru… I got such an uneasy feeling watching him. He is clearly just another maegalomaniac. @Flowerocent, many people follow him because he is very skilled in persuasion and charisma, and knows exactly what the audience wants to hear. Also, many people completely lack powers of discerment and intuition. They assume popularity = the genuine thing. As you say, Simona, same with popstars. Popularity doesnt equal necessarily good music, just good marketing!
Another fake guru I’ve noticed is Teal Swan. I can not beleive people follow her. She is an obvious psychopath.
Regarding the global situation. I went straight down the conspiracy route as soon as the coronvirus situation happened… The things that are happening are indeed suspicious and the media agenda around it very very manufactured. The amount of fake news articles (using duplicated images from old news articles) is astonishing.
However, I am remaining hopeful that this event will pull the veil away from many peoples eyes and quicken the global awakening. It was great to see all the many thousands of negative comments on Bill Gates social media and that they had to pull the microsoft ad (with a known satanist…I mean, you cant make this stuff up?!) due to public reaction.
The Vigilant Citizen website is also a really good source of information, critiquing current events.
Take care Simona 🙂
Totally agree about Teal. Thank you for mentioning her. She makes things up on air when asked for guidance.
Yes, Suzanne, let’s hope people will wake up and protest their rights’ abuse before it’s too late.
Thank you Simona and suzzane…and one more thing I feel about why these people follow such gurus is there own bad karma from past life or this life this may sound ego based opinion but I think so getting good guru and guidance is nothing but our good karma actually which put us on Right path always showing “light “….and all we who are following Simona are nothing less than blessed people simona may not call herself guru but what I feel about her is even more than that in real sense you are light thank you simona!!
Thank you, Flowerocent. I’m not a guru, I’m just sharing my thoughts and experiences in the hope that they will help or awaken some.
That’s your greatness
Simona In India there is this so called spiritual organization where there founder is no more but there deciples run the process where they hypnotize people then they make them “repeat” all the spiritual progress( and only repeating OK cause I guess there is nothing more than that) then of course there is this yoga which they make them do and as you already mention in one of your article those followers feel calm and blissful after seeing there masters photo….i guess all the deciples of this organizations are trapped people already and they make advatage of this thing what do you think so Simona when and how this will end ? And what is the motto of such organizations?and what you have got to say about this?
I saw a movie ‘Them that Follow”, and I can’t look at Christianity the same. At one point a man was dying from a snakebite and was told to trust in God to save him. The religious leaders knew he would die. His girlfriend woke up out of her religious daze and brought him to a hospital.
And now it seems like media, (news, internet) is misleading and trying to make everyone afraid. Is this going to end or get worse?
Hope you are doing good.
Very insightful thank you for sharing!
I agree with Suzanne on Sadguru.
Reap what you sow. Do not care about when and why a evil person not getting punishment.
Let the law of nature take care.
Just stay happy, be kind and grateful for everything in our life.
God bless
You might wanna research people like Isaac Newton. I mean if you find that video interesting, then I recommend you to investigate people like him. Learning about physics and physicists is usually kinda awekening (but not always).
Trump a hero? Are you serious? Trump is a NARCISSIST who only cares about keeping his power in the coming elections in November.
I didn’t say he was a hero, please read again.
Sound like good cop bad cop………… Both side the same..
I was told Trump was ET………
SADHGURU sounds pretty mutch like any guru at, least i understand is words…You got to take some and leave some.. Looks kike a hippy. There is a lot of slave in India….
I remember you because you were my first FB friend…….
Your sound is still issing…
If there a real savior he still in hiding…We seams in too deep to get out of it alone…
If i had a switch id press it, so that would not happend again…
No switch yet…
Hi miss Simona
I did the Sadhguru’s Inner Enginering and it worked,I mean this is yoga and yoga works.So his teachings are ok.
I admit that sometimes he’s full of shits or contradictions but who is not?
You can judge a man from his actions and his are big,huge.Positive for hundred thousand of people in India.
Did he stole lands?He shows proofs that he did not.Protected lands?Elephant corridor?All these claims have been proven false with solid proofs.
If he’s a charlatan,he’s opponents can be too.Who is that (poor)woman?
Sadhguru has many friends and some of them that I hate so I wrote him and exposed him some truth about those people he hangs with.He was suprised.I was surprised that he did not smelled that but he’s duty is not to condamn anybody.If he’s light,he’s light.
About the money he asks,well food and expenses for the ashram have to be paid.
He plants trees,yes he does,millions of them,what’s wrong with that?
What happened to his wife is explainable in a mystical way.
India is a very corrupted country and a billion people is not easy to handle.Indians are often quit naive about the West I’ve noticed.
Maybe you are right,maybe not.
About Jesus,well as far as I know,exorcisms in his name are very efficient(yes for real) so I will not question him or his ways.
There are saviors,not just one.
Trump did a lot for the people of his country,saved a lot of childrenand women from human traffickers and sexual predators,did not create any war or invaded foreign lands so I really don’t care about his private life as far as he doesn’t molest child and that’s not what he does.
I can see that you are interrested in tarot cards…Do you know who created tarot?It was created by some very dangerous creatures for us humans.Be carefull with what you don’t know,some practices are beyond our capacities.
I’ve noticed that you rely a lot on others opinions,claims or conclusions.Live you own,make your own experiences.Books are books,not life.
Astrology?Yes we are water and water have memory so we are imprinted from birth but…We are more than that.Spiritual beings are above material.Are you one?
I’ve to go now.Feel free to answer or not.
Have fun.
Ok,I’ve just read your biography.So you know what I meant.I apologise if you have felt wrongly judged by my previous comment.I was just reacting to the post.You look very young.
I see Sadhguru as mix of Shakespeare(English literature, gift of gab) and ancient Stoicism(his wife issue). I can’t say anything about his practices and teachings. But India is full of various practices and some people I know did some simple, harmless practices prescribed by Sadhguru’s teacher named Rishi Prabhakar.