Since I’m blessed to be working for myself, I don’t have to have a rigid daily structure to adhere to.

And so I didn’t, for years.

I would wake up whenever I wanted to, I would go to sleep whenever I wanted to – even if it was at the sunrise.

I enjoyed this kind of lifestyle. But there were some disadvantages to this irregular living too. Such as that you lack a firm base.

A firm base is very important, and it’s made of daily things that we do. A strong inner structure can be negative or positive. If you have a daily routine that’s not good for your body and mind, obviously this base works against you, and it’s better not to have any at all.

But if you have a strong positive base, made up of mind-body-soul nourishing activities, this gives you not only much more stability but also the roots for stable spiritual development.

That’s what I found from my experience. I’ve been living in a much more orderly way for some time now, and the benefits are immense. So this makes me stick to this routine. I also came to enjoy it quite a lot.

My routine looks like this:

  1. I wake up at 4 am.
  2. Take a cold water bath.
  3. Do yoga and other spiritual practices.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Go to sleep to process the arisen subconscious stuff.
  6. Wake up.
  7. Drink yogic herbs tea.
  8. Eat.
  9. Write articles, make videos, talk to clients.
  10. Study spiritual texts.
  11. Have some snack.
  12. Do yoga and other spiritual practices.
  13. Eat.
  14. Take a warm water bath.
  15. Meditate.
  16. Go to sleep.

The results of my strict routine

The results were more than I expected. First, my body got very strong. For example, as now I’m painting the floor of my house, I need to push furniture (my sweet husband is still in India, so he can’t help me!).

In the past, I just couldn’t move the sofas in this farmhouse, as they are very heavy (old-style). But now, because of my stronger body, I could move the sofa by just putting some effort – not even using my maximum strength. I was amazed, and thrilled. It made me feel more empowered.

A very interesting development was this: whilst I always meditate before sleep, now, as I’m doing the powerful mantra and yoga before it (I’ll mention the yoga style in some other article), I sleep with almost no dreams at all.

But interestingly, when I go to sleep again, after the morning yoga and meditation, I have dreams upon dreams, very clear, vivid, and always so different.

Because of my information purge, I no longer have the wish to check anything online – not only a travel youtuber whose videos I always watched.

There’s neither time nor willingness to look up external information (apart from a few spiritual texts) or delve into another person’s world, when there’s so much revealed to me because of mantra, yoga, and meditation.

I believe that both, information purge, and my yogic practices, removed the information consumption addiction.

My routine had a very soothing effect on the mind. I feel more centered, at peace, and the vibration is higher. Interestingly, since I’m married, I notice that the more I work on myself, the more my husband benefits too.

He had one addiction, which he has quit and feels great. He’s also now watching empowering videos (which he never did – he was addicted to action and horror movies before). When I speak to him, our energy seems to multiply as we both are happy and inspired, so we end up feeling even happier and energized after our phone conversation.

So don’t be surprised that if you raise your vibration, your other half will respond (if you are spiritually married too, that is!).

Another beautiful development followed, which is being able to really appreciate what I have. I look at my life and see it so beautiful. I’ve spiritually achieved a lot, married a wonderful man, live in a truly beautiful place, have so much time for myself. I clearly see the blessings that are in my life.

I’m able to see these blessings more vividly now, because, because mantra and yoga, my energy pathways are being cleared, letting more divine light in. So what looked average before, no longer looks that way.

For example, even how the light falls on my furniture seems magical, and the sweet pets that sleep in my room each night give such a loving vibration before I fall asleep. I’m uncovering the heaven on earth that I knew at 16 when I would spend many hours in meditation, and when I was doing intense yoga at 30.

There are many more benefits of my strict daily routine, but I’ll stop here.

If you feel you’re lacking a base, if you feel unstable in your life and cannot find that inner core, a similar practice would benefit you, too. The willpower to do it comes after reading the experiences of people who stick to similar routines.

This will carry you long enough to experience your own blessings, and then those positive developments will keep motivating you to continue.