I remember coming across the teachings of one spiritual Himalayan family. I forgot their names now but if anyone knows the people that I’m talking about, please let me know.
The way they became a family was very interesting. A Western lady was traveling alone in Rishikesh (North India) and in the woods she discovered a meditating yogi.
She recognized him as her past life mate if I remember right, and refused to leave his side.
Her visa expired and police started bugging her to leave. She kept refusing every time they bugged her, until she was left alone.
They became a family, having two children. All her pictures showed her blissed out. Even now people visit this place in Rishikesh as their presence is still felt there, though their physical bodies are no more.
This story shows that if you refuse to be controlled by the system, it will eventually leave you alone. The lady was living the life in a way she wanted and refused to submit to any rules impinging on her bliss. She was on such a high vibration that she just refused to give her attention to that which was not in alignment with her goals.
I find this story very inspiring. This also reminds me of some westerners in India who have no money but never go hungry. They do odd jobs, sleep in odd places and somehow they have just enough for visas and flight tickets.
Jesus said not to take a thought for the morrow as if even animals get their daily sustenance, how much more we will as we are greatly loved by our True Creator. Though you can find anything in the Bible (as it’s a control tool), even the connection between Jesus and Lucifer, some stories of Christ are very close to my heart and my soul gets joyous when reading about how he never feared about his safety or survival, and so circumstances would just align to keep him safe, fed and clothed.
When I listen to the people who in some way got in touch with our oppressors, all universally say that to be free we must stop fearing. It’s the fear that keeps us in the prison of their making. Fear is their vibration.
In the last book of Carlos Castaneda he wrote that the oppressors had given us their minds. We get fearful because of our minds. We react to fear-based thoughts as though they are reality, and we build our lives on the foundation of illusion as a result.

Ramana Maharishi left his home as a child with only enough money to take a train journey to Arunachala mountain he heard about.
Once he got there, he started meditating.
People saw a meditating youth and started giving him food and drink. He meditated all the time and finally achieved enlightenment, attracting thousands of devotees to him. His meditation place became an ashram still existing today. I visited it a few years ago.

If he had feared, none of this amazing story would have happened. God is free to help us when we take our actions in courage.
Never even once did I have to suffer lack for doing what I love. I’ve been blogging for 14 years and I simply trust that I will be provided for – despite of the heavy censorship of my content by G and YT. There’s something bigger than these internet bullies that provides for me.
Even when I lost most of my subscribers (which happened twice) still I was able to live the way that I wanted – as a traveler in India. I simply refuse changing circumstances to dictate my experience – I do what my heart wants to no matter what circumstances present themselves before me.
All these examples show that if you stop fearing and trust your True Creator, you will be supplied even in the most difficult circumstances. At this time this is especially important, because it seems that the vibration of our earth is getting faster so if people allow fear to rule them, it’s going to be difficult to change their timeline to that of hope and joy.
That’s why meditation is so important now. It helps to keep the mind calm and not to get engaged in fearful thoughts. It’s important at this time not to expose yourself to elite-owned channels of information but keep yourself on the diet of spirituality, goodness and optimism.
I love when you write spiritual articles! These truly uplift. Please less about conspiracy theories and more about Love and The Creator 🙂
I have to follow my heart so I can’t predict what I will write next:)
For many people the truth of what is really going on is what sets them free and results in real upliftment.
It also helps them not fall prey to the very fear mentioned here.
Wooow!! Simona this massage from you was so timely….thank you for this ….I really needed this kind of inspiration at the moment….!! One more request… i want your blessings….!!
Thank you, Rs. I’m not a saint to give blessings but I hope you will be well.
Fantastic article, Simona, spot on about the real problem and the real solution today. Many thanks. To Awareness Now, I might suggest that ‘conspiracy theory’ and Love are maybe not exclusive. As somebody once said ‘Compassion without Understanding is not Compassion.’ Or, in Buddhist imagery, there are the bell and the vajra together.
Thank you, Ian.
Awesome Simona! Thank you, I feel blessed just reading this! Ty!
Thank you, Umsie.
It’s really inspiring. Perfect timing. Thanks to you Simona:). Can you also write about meditation practices that you follow or one must follow, in what pose and mudra?
I simply focus on my breath, Sakshi, like Buddha originally taught. Just keep observing the breath because breath serves as an anchor not to get lost in other dimensions. That’s the mistake I would make as a teenager. I would just focus on nothingness and having no anchor would get lost in other dimensions, coming out after a long time from meditation, thinking it to be an achievement.
I don’t know how my meditation posture is called but it’s not fully crossed legged because if I cross legs it restricts the bloodflow and it feels uncomfortable for me. I keep the index and thumb fingers touching each other when I meditate which is called gyan mudra.
Can we do it just by simply lying on bed??or should be seated only while doing breathing meditation?
People often fall asleep if they simply lie in bed, so sitting meditation is better.
Thanks this is very helpful advice
Hello Simona. I came upon your work today and I will enjoy exploring it. If you want to use a different format to upload your videos, instead of yt, use bitchute or lbry. Your videos will not be deleted.
Thank you, Joel. Yes, I use Bitchute but because I’m in Nepal, the uploading process is too slow to that site so I rarely do. Whilst lbry is only for American citizens.
Thank you for writing this article Simona. It was quite uncomfotable to research what you are censored for but it helped me to confront and understand a lot of things. It also helped me to remember … I think it’s part of the Big Work. I hope someday I will be so healed and courageous so that I can speak openly about it. Now I meditate and heal.