A Story About a Cow (A Sad Varanasi Experience)

A Story About a Cow (A Sad Varanasi Experience)

Not long ago, my husband and I visited Varanasi. It was his first time, whilst I was there once before. The energy there is so special – even he felt it, not being interested in spirituality. He didn’t even want to leave. That’s the place where many Hindu people...
Divine Energy and How People Waste It

Divine Energy and How People Waste It

Varanasi, an Unsplash photo. I’m writing this article in a cosy local cafe in Varanasi. This is one of the Indian cities which I love. It has history, and it’s a spiritual place where people come to spend their last days on earth. Its energy is very...
I had to stay in bed for 24 hours

I had to stay in bed for 24 hours

Here’s what happened. We finally left extremely hot Delhi for Shimla – a Himalayan town where British used to escape from Indian heat during their rule. It’s a place of incredible beauty – there’s so much to see here. The only downsides...