by Simona Rich | Mar 6, 2023 |
In this increasingly materialistic world (falsely assumed by new agers to be approaching illumination), it’s more and more difficult to take unselfish action. That’s because people became addicted to the comforts of modern civilization. Its increasing...
by Simona Rich | Feb 14, 2023 |
When I was in India the last time, I visited Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra in Bangalore. It was founded by Yogananda himself in 1917. You can see the picture of this place just above. It had a beautiful atmosphere, and satsang hours went by really fast. At the end of...
by Simona Rich | Jan 27, 2023 |
In the days of our grandparents or grand-grandparents, never did they have any issue with growing old. They accepted this process as a part of life. In those days, spouses were chosen not for good looks but because of their character features and industry. Now, the...
by Simona Rich | Jan 12, 2023 |
Unless a person is in deep self-denial and convinces herself that all is well existing in the rat race, most people stay there because of fear. They are afraid to jump off the wheel because the future looks uncertain. It’s also to do with their priorities. Those...
by Simona Rich | Jan 4, 2023 |
Before the deliberate destruction of a larger family structure and the community, humans had their moral compasses adjusted by such persons. That’s how humanity remained quite morally intact throughout all these centuries. Yes, there were criminal tendencies,...
by Simona Rich | Dec 21, 2022 |
The longest night of the year is today in the northern hemisphere. The Sun will stand still upon its entry to Capricorn – the sign of the deepest materialism. This will take place at 11.47 pm EET, 16:47 ET, 9:47 GMT. For the masses, this time represents the deepest...