When the ruler of the eighth house is in the tenth house, this means that your occupation can have something to do with investigation, research, or work with secrets or secretive matters. It also can be to do with taboo subjects, death, sex, occult and the spirits of the dead.
This placement also shows some qualities of one of your parents, likely to be your father. The parent may be secretive, intense person, keeping a part of their life only to themselves, and they may take an interest in death, sex, the occult, life after death, the supernatural, or other taboo subjects.
This placement shows that there could be dangers at work. In your employment, you may need to take risky actions, or your employment can cause you to get involved in dangerous experiences where it can even cost your life.
Through your parent or employment, you may have an experience that gets you in touch with death, such as a near-death experience.
This placement can show that in order to keep up appearances, you may get in debt. Or the events at work can cause you to get in debt. Also, your employment or one of your parents (likely to be a father) may cause you to experience other losses, such as the loss of a loved one or something that you’re attached to.
Another meaning of this placement is that you may have the occupation of managing the funds or resources of other people, such as working in the banking sector, as a talent manager, or as a middle-person of some sort, such as finding tenants for the properties of your clients.
The ruler of the eighth house in the tenth house can show that your occupation or one of your parents can cause you to go through intense, usually traumatic, experiences which will make you grow as a person. So, though those experiences will seem negative at first, they can cause a positive personal evolution if you handle those happenings with a positive frame of mind.
This placement can show your death at work or because of a parent. It can show a public death – dying not in the privacy of your home, but when you’re outdoors, in the city, for example. It may reveal that you may be more known after death, or that your death will attract public attention, so you’ll become more known because of your death.
This placement can also show a premature death of a parent, likely to be a father.
Finally, this astrological configuration can reveal your secrets coming into the public possession. It’s best, with such a placement, to live a really transparent life, as anything that you hide eventually can come out to the surface.