Since I’m researching the plandemic to understand more about it, I recently obtained more information which helped me to connect the dots further, thanks to satanic ritual abuse victims’ testimonies, Amazing Polly, Rockefeller’s 2010 plan, 1969 Illuminati exposure, and more.
Because of all this research, I’m coming to the conclusion that the lockdown is in place to accomplish many Illuminati’s goals. They want to change the economy. They want to destroy the cash and replace it with cards and then chip implants, and they want people to work from home to receive equal minimum wages which will prevent them from being free to do what they please.
They want us to totally submit to the authority and have no freedom. They want us to be monitored 24/7. They want to accomplish this through 5G surveillance, a microchip, and getting you trapped in an alternative reality.
If you don’t yet know, the greedy Bill Gates released this satanic commercial for his alternative reality program too early, thinking that the masses would accept it. He was wrong. The video received 24,000 dislikes and only over 600 likes before it was deleted.
I see that now the elite is rushing, and this hopefully will be their downfall. They thought that the masses were mind-controlled enough through satanic celebrities and their “art” to accept Marina Abramovich.
They quickly moved to introduce the alternative reality option whilst people are locked in homes and thus can’t freely enjoy the outside world. They want to downgrade humanity from 3D to 2D.
These evil ones also, I believe, want to trap not only us but themselves in alternative reality; to upload their brain content, their essence to alternative reality so that they never die. They must be really afraid to die because after death they will go to a place from which they may never be able to escape. So they want to escape death through alternative reality, and they want to keep us there too, as their slaves, of course.
Another reason the lockdown is in place is that the system of strong control of the people stays in place and then the reptilian ones will no longer be afraid to show their true appearance.
A few years ago it was claimed that the British Royalty website published a press release shortly before taking it down, revealing that the Queen wasn’t human. The screenshots of this press release allegedly were taken by some readers before the press release was deleted:
![Queen seen in a different form](
That’s also what Arizona Wilder claims who is a satanic ritual abuse survivor. It’s a big inconvenience for reptiles to keep the human shape and since the vibration of this earth is increasing, it’s becoming even more difficult to do.
The result of this is that more and more people can see their reptilian shapes – it is told that the President Putin saw the Queen’s true shape, David Icke saw many reptilians, sometimes they shapeshift whilst being filmed too, and I saw reptilian slits in quite a few people also.
So ideally they want to stop trying to appear human, but in order for them to reveal themselves strong control of the masses must be present to stop any unrest. That’s what lockdown accomplishes.
Because of watching satanic ritual abuse survivors’ stories (especially helpful were in-depth videos of Arizona Wilder) I came to the conclusion that adrenochrome was mainly used not for the restoration of youth, but for keeping reptilians looking human.
Arizona Wilder tells quite-a-difficult-to-believe story about our origins, yet this story answers so many questions. She tells that reptilians were pursuing Aryans all throughout this universe. Aryans, she says, were originally from Mars.
(This also connects with Nazis. If you dig deep, you find that Nazis even today play a big part towards the establishment of the NWO.)
Aryans had to leave Mars because of reptilian takeover. They first went to the Moon, but reptilians got in control there too. Then eventually they inhabited the earth and for 2,000 years they happily coexisted with the inhabitants of this earth.
However, 4,000 years ago, reptilians came to this earth too, and started insinuating themselves into the positions of power – politics, priesthood and royalty. I believe at first they didn’t hide their true appearance:
But maybe later they were expelled and went underground, and then started consuming the blood of Aryans (with released adrenochrome) for them to be able to shapeshift into human beings.
Arizona wilder says that they are seeking the blood from particular Aryan bloodlines that aren’t mixed with the blood of original inhabitants of the earth. Those are the 13 bloodlines. That’s the reason ideologies wanting to keep the white race bloodlines pure came into existence. They serve the reptilians, and not humankind.
I still have many questions about this theory but I definitely see how it could be valid. From satanic ritual abuse survivors’ accounts it becomes clear that these reptiles keep breeders belonging to these 13 bloodlines and impregnate them to continue their reptilian seed.
This would explain so many things. Many of us from the US and Europe don’t feel like we’re from this earth but when you go to countries like the ones in Asia, those people feel on earth right at home. It’s in the Western world that the sightings of extraterrestrials are the most prevalent. It’s the Aryan people who experience alien abduction and claim to be tracked.
It’s difficult to talk about this because some people would see this as racist. But it simply means that the white race may not be originally from the earth – that’s it. It doesn’t mean it’s better or worse, it’s just from another place.
That would also explain why the focus of the Illuminati is on the Western world. It’s the white race that’s enslaved the most. When people from the USA or Europe go to India they feel so much freedom as third-world or developing countries aren’t in the grip of the reptilians to such an extent.
In conclusion, my research led me to believe that it’s the white race that should be the most concerned with the introduction of NWO because the elite sees us as their food supply and wants us totally enslaved. The lockdown serves as a definite step to implement the NWO because this keeps us in fear and restricted, thus allowing them more control and the implementation of the kill grid – the 5G.
Here are two long videos of Arizona Wilder in case you want to hear all she has to say about reptilians.
What to do about this
We need to be smart now and connect with like-minded people to brainstorm about this situation. We need to plan strategically; If you see that there’s no way for you to stay afloat, sell all you own, declare bankruptcy, and move to some community to live off-grid. Again, you cannot do much alone, but if you plan with others, you can still escape.
Detach from reptilian systems as much as possible – wean yourself off them. We need to depend on the guidance system of God and not their own artificial system of internet and banking. Read about survival in nature so that you are prepared if you need to escape the city.
Prepare your mind. If the worst happens, will you be able to mentally handle it? Most people, when they hear really bad news, panic – because they get hypnotized by the negative images that naturally start being played in their mind.
That’s why it’s essential to meditate. This allows you to be in control of your mind and to stay in the present moment when you hear something unpleasant. Calmly brainstorm what to do if you find yourself without resources, for example, so that if this happens, you don’t panic.
The most important thing is to keep yourself in the vibration of peace and hope, because this will keep the connection between you and Higher Intelligence. If you keep yourself calm and hopeful no matter what happens to you, you will maintain the connection to the Divine guidance system and you will know what to do. But if you fall into panic, you’re in the control of reptilians.
These reptiles can only thrive in fearful conditions. Now the whole world is in fear so this gives them power to implement their control grid. But we cannot be enslaved by that system if we don’t vibrate their note.
We can see that oil doesn’t mix with water, no matter how little of oil is put into the water. We cannot be enslaved even if there are very few of us whilst all the sheep go along. So keep yourself untouchable by these lizards through your high vibration and complete trust in Love which is God/Unity. Then, even if you find yourself without the resources, you will get new resources when you need them, because it’s all about energy.
If people wouldn’t be frightened of them, these reptiles would not be able to function on this earth. They are able to function on this earth plane only by feeding off fear. So will you give them the food that they crave to continue their tyranny? Or will you vibrate on a note that’s repellent to them and makes them weaker?
Simona about what you are telling people to be prepared? What is next??
I mean what are the possibilities?
Total economy destruction, making people run out of all their money, for example. Police state.
This is drastic Simona!
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
What we can ask more from you but protection and blessings Simona!
Maybe you are familiar with the youtube channel kinninigan. He has very good information on reptilians and also how they shapeshift. One video on ‘Han Purple’ is very informative.
Hi Simona,
Thanks for all the research you have been doing on this situation. Do you think it will be possible to refuse the vaccination or will they be able to force you to take it? From a spiritual perspective do they not need your permission? I’m thinking that it will get to the point that you will not be able to travel without the certificate showing vaccination. Hopefully there will be a window of opportunity before restrictions get tighter.
Hi Danielle,
I’m sure they need your permission from a spiritual perspective. I think that you will be able to refuse but if things go the way that the reptilians want, it may mean that without certificate or mark you won’t be able to do many things, like to shop in big stores or, as you said, to travel. That’s what I think too. Maybe that’s why I knew I should not return because I love Asia so much.
About the window of opportunity. They may show that they’re loosening the rules and then virus “strikes” again, making them to tighten the rules. I don’t know if that loosening of rules will be enough to open the borders though. I sincerely hope so, and all should be prepared to go where they want to. Let’s hope that window of opportunity comes before the invention of vaccine.
In India, for example, they will try to loosen the rules but it’s within states. So they aren’t even opening state borders, let alone country’s.
The thing is knowing where one should be and which direction one should go in. For now all I’m doing is trying to concentrate on is getting my will in line with Gods will, healing all my issues and figuring out my life purpose. A lot to do but it will hopefully make everything easier when it comes to the time to make decisions. I’m in the UK and right now I’m happy here, although its madness seeing how compliant everyone is, queuing for supermarkets etc (the brits love queuing!!) I think people have been pushed into accepting all this due to the high praise of the NHS (national health service which free paid via taxes). Every Thursday everyone goes outside to clap for the “national heros”. I’m a carer and sadly lots of hours have been cut due to fear if the virus. At least I get to jump the queues though!
Anyway hope all is well for you Simona 🙂
Thanks for the update, Danielle. This is a wonderful way to spend time as guidance we will surely need.
“These evil ones also, I believe, want to trap not only us but themselves in alternative reality; to upload their brain content, their essence to alternative reality so that they never die. They must be really afraid to die because after death they will go to a place from which they may never be able to escape. So they want to escape death through alternative reality, and they want to keep us there too, as their slaves, of course.”
This is one of the things people should pay attention to. What does modern technology mean to human beings? And what do ancient spiritualities mean to human beings? These are the things people should pay attention to. Is there a correlation between the two? Is there perhaps a resonance between the two? What is mankind anyway? Why are we so different than the other species?
Hello Simona
Have read this is like OMG!
I did not understand a couple of things, I’m going to ask, and hope to offend none with my ignorance.
Nazis were supposed to fight for white race. Anyway, is alleged that nazis are taking a hidden part in the NWO agenda. Those are ideas mutually exclusive for me, so one of them must be wrong. Can anyone explain?
I’d like to comment, as well, I’m not American nor white (my mother is white). Before consciously knowing anything, by reading or talking with instructed people or hearing to scholars; I’ve intuited my whole life that white people is “my” people. And I’ve lived my life feeling every single day so out of place in this country, with these people and their life-style and values… when the best things in culture, science and art in this world are, white legacy. Something really hard to explain, specially when white people is considered ‘evil’ (same way, in general terms, males are. Being white is almost an offense, being a male is a crime). There have been a war against white race, via Europe culture destruction throughout immigration and mass media messaging. So, my question is, if reptilians need white race, why to destroy it?
Thanks for your answer in advance, Simona.
Love and light for you )O( <3
I cannot answer this as this would only be a speculation, Indigo.
Wow great article that I just discovered in Nov 2021. I wish I have found this earlier. These are the same conclusions I have come to after doing a year of research. What bothers me the most is when you attempt to educate friends and family they just don’t want to hear or see any of the evidence. I can’t understand why. So I stopped trying. It is disturbing that the evidence is overwhelming but no one is willing to listen. I feel people are under a spell of hypnosis and are unable to break free. What do you think Simona? Also I have been experiencing an abundant amount of synchronicities: is there any relation?
Okay, well we know who all the Goblins are. They are humans, and we have already built the UFOs based on the designs from the Antideluvian texts. So can we focus on the truth and save the kids from the Adrenochrome junkies? I promise no goblin is there, just Goblins .
Hi, I just shared this with a relative. One question he has is if this is true and they are so powerful, why haven’t they succeeded by now. This doesn’t make sense.