V…x…ed people haven’t yet lost the connection to God – in my own experience.
The volunteer girl that I have on my farm at the moment was surely directed by God to find me, even though my profile on that volunteering website was expired. She came to my farm when I needed help the most. Surely she was directed by God. She was v…x…ed.
My mother is v…x…ed too. Yet I feel no spiritual change in her. She’s as she was, though now she has more health problems.
So I don’t think that v…x…ed people lost their connection to God. However, what I fear about these shots is that once people open themselves to one of them, it can be difficult to close the door to what’s to come, which might as well be the mark.
Once they say yes to a v….(cc)…e, they are likely to say yes to further things planned for them. This is a well-known psychological trick, widely practiced in the NLP community and by advertisers, and I’m sure by the psychos running the world as well. Once you agree to some request of some party, you are very likely to say yes to their further requests.
So what I think is happening is that these psychopaths running the world got people to agree to just a small part of what they will offer later. And it’s working. Those who agreed to get the first two doses (or a single dose) now feel forced to get a seasonal shot.
My mom says she has no choice, for example. She wants to travel, and she is likely to be denied it if she refuses to get the seasonal shot (she lives in the UK). I was upset to hear that, but not surprised. That was their plan all along. They lied to the people that once they get the shot, all will go back to normal. Now they lie to them that once they get seasonal shots, all their freedoms will be returned. We will see.
I think that even v…x…ed people still have a chance to escape. But it’s more difficult for them now, because they have already agreed to get the shots, and thus opened the door.
Those who have agreed clearly showed that they are not ready to wean themselves off the system. But they have to, unless they are okay with the mark. There’s still time till 2030 to get established somewhere off grid, or in some village. It’s time to stop trusting the system and start trusting God.
We still have the time to strengthen our connection to God so that It guides us all along. Trust in the system will result in deeper and deeper slavery and probably eventually the mark. Nobody is left without guidance, it’s just some people choose to trust the system rather than God and thus God can’t help them.
Some of us felt that all our lives were preparation for something great to come. Well maybe some of us are being prepared to help those who will want to free themselves from the system so that they don’t get the mark. Maybe we were being prepared to stand strong in our trust in God no matter what madness we see happening.
Trust in God takes time, like everything else in this world. A seed doesn’t grow into a tree overnight. For it to become very strong, the seedling needs nutrients and water, and to establish its roots deep into the soil. That’s what clear priorities do if they are kept over a long period of time. They get so established in you to the degree that you cannot change them anymore. So when the priorities are right, having God as the first place in your life, you would not betray It even when the situation is life-threatening.
There was a time – all your life – to get your priorities right. But even now there is still time – till 2030, when these psychos hope to have the whole of humanity completely in their grip.
The last thing I would like to ask is not to think that v…x…ed or unv…x…ed people are evil. It is the plan of the dark side to keep us hating each other. We have a common enemy to outsmart – we are not enemies. So whether you took it or not, you are my friend.
There’s no time to argue about what has already taken place. It’s the time to unify, get self-sufficient, and leave the rotten system altogether, for it to die from the lack of human contribution.
Yes, you’re right, when people comply to negative influences, they are opening the door for more negativity to enter and flourish. People should ask themselves what influences are they letting into their lives.
Many good hearted people fail to comprehend how dark some of the energy is, that is being directed at them, they are defenseless because they can not see what really lurks behind that door.
People have a choice, whether to open that door, but so many just open it without seeing what is behind it. Darkness takes a hold then. The last year has been very shocking as to how twisted society has become. It is not normal.
The rulers of human society are in control, because they use sorcery and mind control to get the masses to dance to their violin, to open the doors and release the dark energy. They have been perfecting their magic, and psychological mind control sciences for possibly thousands of years. They use occult practices, and know how to perform deep hypnosis, brainwashing, and know how to manipulate the human mind at the sub concious level, and keep populations under mind control, easily distracted, easily entertained, easily angered, easily scared, so as to be in psychological compliance to the will of others.
The rulers enjoy manipulation, fear, and panic, this is where they absorb energy, to make humans their puppets is their power, It is very dark sorcery.
They have really reached the pinnacle of their dark-arts with the advances in technology in the last 100 years. Through televised screens and other screen technology, they are able to conduct a portal, a mirror, where they can put their ideas into the human brain.
This is why you see so many, that will readily believe in questionable narratives being put out through a screen portal, and so many readily accepting of exogenous substances from the medical industry being put into their body, even though those substances have been known to cause great harm to peoples health.
People are being denied information because of censorship. They are defenseless from the mind control techniques.
It is the masses that have the real power, because of their numbers. That is why you will see gmo foods, v…, and all the talk about population control and the scare mongering around weather events to get humans to enter and adapt the new normal, or should i say the new insanity. It is about control.
People should not be disheartened, the rulers may control societal systems and the masses at large, but they do not control all the earth, many places and people on earth are free from their negativity, and are not so easily fooled. There are obviously forces of good within the earth realm and above the earth realm, they want to lift humanity up to a higher vibration level. The darker forces want humans at a low vibration level so they can feast on the negative energy created.
Thank you, Lokį, I agree with all you’ve said. Especially important to understand is not even being aware of opening to something dark. That’s why anything smelling of evil shouldn’t be watched or engaged in in other ways.
God is in control.. All will be well.
What is God to you?
People like you are…useless.
Your words tells alot about you.. Cant blame you… Jab is not good bt not all vax.people are weak as you put it.. Respect other people opinions..
Very good article Simona. And good comment from Loki. Anthony says “God is in control, all will be well” I don’t suppose he’s read the book of revelation…or the plans of the satanic cabal to wipe out most of humanity. Self delusion and “pillows and cushions churchianity are certainly comforting to many…and I know a lot of them. Still Small Voice on bit chute, and third eagle books on YouTube have called it right for several years in their prophetic messages. And right now, it’s not sounding good..unless we get another reprieve like we did in 2016. I’ve heard the date of 2030, both from the deep state and some prophets…that could be accurate. America may fall before then but not the rest of the world.
Simona,we always have the choice,many doctors and nurses are resigning because they don’t want to be part of that.Vaxshitnated people are not evil,they are just weak minded and sometimes very stupid,that’s the main problem with Humanity.
It is the mark from some Pleiadian source.
Remember the money changers that Jesus threw out of the temple?Today they sell jabs.
Mark of the beast doesn’t mean losing connection to God,it means being a slave of the system and you don’t yet the devastating effect that 5G will have on the injected people.
They are aiming for the kids actually knowing that those jabs DO NOT prevent contaminations,they’re lying and lying.
Always keep a practical mind Simona,sometimes your emotions or imagination can alter your judgement.Every actions gives a reaction,that’s the law,God or not God involved.
This is straight dictatorship and always remember that:
didn’t you get Polio V.? Tetanus V.? Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) V.? Hepatitis B. V.? these are all mandatory in most developed countries.. are they the mark of the best as well?
I have recently had the urge to delve deeper into my kundalini awakening. I have had smaller uncoilings, but I feel urged to act on it now. I felt Kundalini rising would be only spiritual tool with the current paradigm, to free yourself. I am dismayed when I read about Moon Matrix and the chakras in another post… fire breath even if it means death is better than not doing anything…
Hi Hari. Please read and know the difference between Born Again vs Awakening .
Born Again
Colossians 1:27 To them GOD choose to make known how great among the gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
1 Peter 1:23 Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever.
Born Again process happens by GOD not by man.
The person should have:
1. A healthy body,
2. Great soul (loving, giving, happy, carrying, helpful, est.)
3. Developed spiritual bodies (thought prayers, meditate on the scripture, full surrender to God, personal relationship with God)
4. Keeping commandments of God
5. And passionately wait for this process to happen. Because only God can born you through CHRIST (internal anointing). We cannot give a birth to ourselves into the Kingdom of GOD.
Anointing happens through the crown chakra. HOLY SPIRIT descending down through the spinal cord filling you within. Then Kundalini energy gets activated and ascending up through the spinal cord. Due to that – all our chakras get activated and cleans and all Karma is forgotten. And the Holy Spirit replacing the Kundalini energy in the human body. After that Holy Spirit and Christ consciousness will be with you forever and the person soul and spirit after physical death will be with GOD forever.
2. Awakening – it’s to die before you die. In short its death.
2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
John 10:1 Jesus said, “He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber”.
Awakening happens by person (not by God) thought practises like yoga, meditation, by spiritual master, samadhi, est… Nirvana and samadhi is a state of nothingness. Nirvana is the development of body and empty mind, but not filling us with a Holy Spirit (may be something else?).
So Kundalini spirit awakening happens from lowest chakra to the Crown chakra by the will of the person. And the final result of awakening (in the best scenario) is Enlightenment due the Kundalini energy rise.
But Born again (from above) happens by the will and power of GOD not man. And the final result of born from above the Holy Spirit reveals to the person who Jesus said He is through the internal birth. (John 15:26; 1 Corinthians 12:3)
John 15:26: But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
Bible verses about CHRIST
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by FAITH in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. FAITH (means knowing 100%)
Galatians 1:15-16 His Son in me
But when it pleased God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called by His grace, to reveal His Son in me.
Galatians 4:19 Christ is formed in you
My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you.
Please Note: that Kundalini spirit and Holy Spirit are not the same (as many people think and claim):
1. Kundalini is our evolutionary energy and it is earthly (spirit of the world).
Kundalini is the totality of all your labours in different incarnations. It’s an evolutionary, universal energy and always at work in human beings, whether they have full knowledge of the process or not.
It’s a memory of all our lives and storage of the Karma. This snake energy (who deceived Adam and Eve and responsible for Duality Knowledge of Good and Evil in all of us.
All people have some kind of movement of Kundalini energy leading to the development of knowledge of the power inside. The ultimate goal of Kundalini is an evolution of the soul.
Please note that Kundalini awakening on its own is very dangerous practise causing death, sickness, insanity, est in people who still on the lowest evolution levels.
For more spiritual people Kundalini awakening may lead to enlightenment experience and sees what’s beyond 5 senses. People who awaken they kundalini and was enlighten are still in the earthly plane as they did not received the Holy Spirit from GOD.
2. Holy Spirit it’s a divine energy of God and reveals to us who Jesus said He is. (John 15:26; John 14:17 , 2 Peter 1:20-21).
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers are saved, filled, sealed, and sanctified. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s thoughts, teaches, and guides believers into all truth.
Christians have access to power, revelation, and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, just as the Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Ephesians 1:17-20
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms”.
There are many differences between the Kundalini spirit and the Holy Spirit.
But the main difference:
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Holy Spirit, is the divine energy of God leading to the development of love ,wisdom and union with God, and the ultimate goal of any human being is to be one with God and to be filled with Holy spirit / or Christ . OR in short spiritualise the Soul.
Holy Spirit actually releasing the Kundalini energy when the person is born again by GOD..
GOD Bless all of us and be with you who reads forever.
I am currently try to build my own brand so that I do not have to work in the system. It feels impossible since I don’t know what I am doing haha but I will keep pushing forward. You have always been an inspiration
Dear one,
The Vaccine is not needed to control a person. Or any form of equipment or tool created by humans or non-humans.
If a Reptilian wished to move your left hand they can do it at will.
The only thing is they would absorb any karmic consequence due to such action.
No being is free from karmic law.
Whether it be a Reptilian or an Arcturian.
Even giving a person too much love has a karmic effect.
The light can be bad thing too.
Give a child too much love and no discipline and that child will grow to have psychopathic tendencies one day.
Believing everyone owes him the world.
That is why light and dark are simply two sides of the same coin.
The only thing that matters here is what are you doing to escape the system?
Because a person can live in paradise but if they have not reached spiritual Enlightenment they are still part of the system.
A Reptilian can control any mind at will. Same as an Arcturian can.
You are free to escape the system. But the most important place to do it is by gaining control of your mind.
You are loved ~ Sananda