I’m in Kolkata at the moment. These few months were all about intense travel. My husband and I have visited Delhi, Rishikesh, Pokhara, Kathmandu, Bihar, and now – Kolkata.

I made videos of our travels and uploaded them on my Instagram and YouTube.

When I purchased my farm a few years ago, I thought maybe such intense travel is no longer for me, but after a good rest, I’m back to traveling the way I did before the purchase of my land.

Since my mother has left for England, after staying with us for a month in Nepal, and since my husband will also not travel with me for a few months, I’ll have all the time in the world to put all the inspired ideas I got during my travels into action.

I’ve already created the 30 Days Abundance Attractor program which my Higher Self kept encouraging me to create and the thoughts about the importance of the creation of this program stopped only after I released it.

I’ve also written two articles which will soon be published. The manifesting workshop is in the making – I just need to get to my next destination and see if the internet will allow me to conduct such a workshop. For those wishing to participate, please make sure you’ve signed up to my newsletter.

My next destination is Sri Lanka – I very much missed its beautiful beaches and nature. It’s very similar to South India, yet even more lush.

I’ve already booked a quiet homestay on the beach for several weeks, so that I can fully focus on the creation of articles and programs for my readers.

For those who ask me how come I’m able to travel all the time, it’s about your vibration, and, therefore, your mind.

Watch for negative thought patterns and resolve them, for they determine the quality of your life.

To help you with that and to shift your attraction point to an existence that’s more abundant and easy, I’ve created my Inner Circle. For two more days, you can still get in before the price increases.

Invest in yourself and not the common things the masses invest in and stay stuck. Through a small investment, you’ll get into the energy field of the Inner Circle, which in itself will help you raise your vibration as you’re giving up something lesser to receive something greater.

Applying the teachings found in its courses, videos and articles will further cement your higher vibration.

The time to change your life is not somewhere in the future but now. Get your Inner Circle membership and see your life change.