When the ruler of the seventh house is in the twelfth house, this can mean that your other half is a very private or secretive person. Another meaning of this placement is that your partner works in some secluded location or institution, such as an ashram, monastery, hospital, prison, or research lab.

If this placement is afflicted, it’s not likely that your long-term relationships will be happy ones. Your other half may be a criminally minded person, showing a very different face to the world to what the person is really like. It would be difficult to find out who they really are, and they may hide many secrets from you.

With such an afflicted placement, it can mean that your other half may have mental problems and that they may have to be kept away from the society at one point in their lives, such as being confined in a mental institution or serve a sentence in a prison.

The positive meaning of this placement is that your partner may be fond of and work with large animals. They may be highly creative people and can take interest or be involved in the movie industry. They may also be fond of taking pictures. Such people are usually susceptible to hypnosis.

The same descriptions can also apply to your business partner and your best friend.

This placement doesn’t favor happy long-term unions. It shows that unions can be the source of your undoing, like marrying the wrong person (or getting into the business with the wrong person), and your partners causing your ill-health and similar big problems.

There could be much jealousy involved in your union, and also there could be the temptation to escape difficulties through mind-altering substances. A lighter manifestation of escaping from difficulties is through daydream犀利士5mg ing or through not dealing with your problems. Such temptations can apply to you, your partner, or both.

Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid such unions as they are fated. Difficult unions can be an excellent school for soul growth, as if you allow difficulties to purify you rather than being misshapen by them, you can gain great spiritual progress in one lifetime.

This placement also shows that your public opponents may be really toxic characters who may be criminally minded. But if the placement is not afflicted, it can show public opponents who are artists, or are involved in the movie industry or creative employments such as that of photography.