When the ruler of the seventh house is in the third house, this means that your other half may be a communicative person.
Also, they may be good at writing and languages. They can do well in the occupations where typing, sending letters, parcel delivery, and much communication is involved.
They may also be the people always on the move, whose life is fast. They may do the work which involves much traveling, but usually within the home country, or around neighboring countries.
They may like mental challenges, and your partnership can blossom if you engage in honest and deep conversation to resolve disagreements. Communication will be the key in your relationship.
Also, your partner may like variety and new experiences, so they are likely to keep interest in you if you always evolve and mentally challenge them (in a good way). Your partner may also be good at mimicry.
from here
This configuration can sometimes show that your partner is blood-related to you.
If the combination is afflicted, it can show a dishonest partner, and if the placement is truly afflicted, it can show that your partner is a thief or a fraudster.
The same qualities I’ve just listed may apply to your business partners too.
Your opponents may be sharp and witty, quickly retaliating with insightful words. It could be difficult to win debates with them. So if you are provoked, especially publicly, it’s better to let it go than to retaliate.