When the ruler of the seventh house is in the fifth house, this means that your other half may be a creative person. They may be more dramatic than usual.
Your other half may have the talent in acting, any kinds of arts, singing, dancing or music. They may be the people who inspire others. They are likely to have sunny dispositions.
Your partner may enjoy engaging with children, and they may want to have children of their own. They might also prefer the company of young people. They are likely to be entertaining to be with.
When you are with your partner, you can totally relax from your work, take your mind off stressful subjects, and have a good time.
However, if this astrological configuration is afflicted, it can mean that your partner is proud, tends to boast and exaggerate, and can be an irresponsible risk-taker and a gambler. They may constantly seek attention.
The same qualities may apply to your business partner.
If this combination is afflicted, the other half or your business partner may lose money because of irresponsible, risky investments or speculations. If this combination is afflicted, your financial situation may get worse after marriage because of the financial habits of your partner.
The same applies to getting into the business with someone else – with an afflicted combination, it’s best not to have any co-owners of the business, as money can be wasted through the irresponsibility of the business partner.
Some old astrologers claimed that this placement means that you will not get along with your children, as they will greatly differ from you. It can show frequent quarrels in the family.
But if the combination is not afflicted, quite the opposite can be the case, where your children feel more like friends than your children, and they complement and understand you.