When the ruler of the seventh house is in the eighth house, this shows some meanings about your business and intimate partners.

For example, such a placement could mean that your partner is a secretive person interested in the things that most people fear or prefer not to discuss, such as the occult, life after death, sex, and similar subjects.

The negative meaning of this placement is that your partner can die before you. Also, they may give you anxiety because of their behavior towards you, or towards themselves (such as them being reckless and endangering their lives as a result).

They may be the people who are extreme, and they can be obsessive. They are likely to have a one-track mind, so once they are really interested in something, they can spend all their free time pursuing it.

They may be good at secretive, detective and research work, and it may be difficult to hide secrets from them. With an afflicted combination as such, the partner may be dangerous and vengeful.

This placement can also mean that your partner has the skills of managing other people’s money and other resources, and therefore he may do well working in banking, or managing the belongings and finances of others in some other way.

The ruler of the seventh house in the eighth house may show that your public opponents can be dangerous people, so it’s best not to provoke them. They may be relentless in trying to destroy your reputation, and they can be revengeful.

This placement can also signify inheritance from a marriage partner. However, if the combination is afflicted, there could be disputes about the inheritance, or you being worse off without it than with it.

Another meaning of such an afflicted placement is your business or marriage partner not knowing how to manage money and therefore often being in debt. With such an afflicted combination, it’s not advised to have mutual funds.