When the ruler of the ninth house is in the twelfth house, this means that overseas travels, legal matters, education, spirituality and/or science can cause troubles in your life, especially if this combination is afflicted.
For example, it could mean that your overseas travels get delayed, or do not go as planned. During such travels, many things can go wrong.
It could mean that if you get involved in legal matters, you end up paying more than you expected, or it becomes a long-drawn affair. Or you may get attacked by some spiritual institution or a religious person because of what you stand for. Some spiritual institutions or religious people may be your secret enemies.
Another meaning of this placement is that you keep the mentioned matters secret, or you engage in them in private.
For example, maybe you like to travel on your own, or you travel for something secret. You may have some legal problem, or you don’t want to disclose some legal matters or problems of yours to others. Also, you could be doing something illegal secretively, without ever being caught.
It could be that you like to study on your own, when no one disturbs you. The same applies to science – you may engage in some kind of private scientific pursuit in the privacy of your home.
You may have some spiritual routine that you do on your own, or your spiritual beliefs may be kept private, and so no one knows about them or just those who are the closest to you.
The ruler of the ninth house in the twelfth house shows that when you have time for yourself, you may write a book. You may travel somewhere where you won’t be disturbed to write or to engage in spiritual practices.
You may like to teach in the privacy of your own home, when you are alone, such as by recording your teachings, to later publish them for others to hear.
If this combination is afflicted, it could mean that travel may put your life in danger, and through travels you may make secret enemies. It could mean that some foreign people are your secret opponents.
An afflicted combination can also reveal that it’s best not to get involved in any spiritual organization as that could bring trouble. It could mean that pursuing higher education can cause problems, such as getting in a deep debt that is hard to repay.
Finally, an afflicted combination as such can show that your beliefs about the world and God don’t have a true foundation. It may reveal that what you teach others is not correct, and what you learn – not useful.