When the ruler of the eighth house is in the eighth house, this means that there is more emphasis on the areas of life such as debt, other people’s money and their other resources (especially spouse’s or business partner’s) and mutual funds.

There could also be more emphasis on sexuality, life-changing experiences, risky undertakings, mysticism, as well as death.

This can manifest in many ways, depending on the ruling planet involved and its condition.

For example, if this placement is afflicted, it can show a perpetual debt. It can also show an unpleasant way of dying (this only applies to an afflicted combination).

An afflicted combination as such could also reveal a criminal bent (especially to do with taking that which doesn’t belong to you), sexual addictions, and a secretive, dark personality. It can show sexual abuse, which could manifest as someone abusing you, or you having such an inclination.

If this placement is not afflicted, it can show an interest in or talent of managing the money and resources of other people, and therefore you may do well in the occupations such as banking, talent management, or middlemen occupations where through you one party receives another party’s goods and services.

Such an astrological combination can show that you will experience a traumatic event, likely to be a near-death experience, which will change your life. Another possibility is getting in a deep debt, which changes how you look at the world, or you suddenly losing something valuable or treasured, which makes you think about life in a different way.

So it shows some kind of shock which causes you to grow or to drastically change your life.

Also, this placement can reveal that receiving some kind of inheritance will be a significant event in your life, and that you may gain through involvement with anything to do with death or the dead.

This could be dealing with wills, working in a funeral house, selling the goods used in the funeral, communicating with the dead, and suchlike preoccupations.

Finally, the ruler of the eighth house in the eighth house can show a deep interest in what happens after death, and the need to dig below the surface of any subject that really interests you.