Egyptian paintings and statues are replete with fantastical figures humans used to worship. Some symbolize human genetic experimentation and mixing human and animal DNA to create monsters of all sorts.
It is told in some African creation accounts which Credo Mutwa shares that these beings came to this earth and started messing with our DNA. According to Pleiadian channelings, most ancient creation accounts on this earth were the versions of reptilians who hate the human species. Thus their take is that we were created as a slave race from the beginning.
Since we know that what is the official story is never true, and since we know we are more than slaves, it is not wise to believe in them.
Humans used to be powerful
According to Pleiadian channelings, humans were powerful and psychic beings, with many spiritual abilities. But these otherworldly entities had higher technological advances which they developed over their spiritual abilities. They wanted humans to serve them, so they deprived humans of their twelve-strand DNA, leaving only two strands in place. That’s the reason the brain is active only in some areas, whereas the vast majority of the brain matter is dormant. We also have “junk DNA” for this reason – it’s inactive after their messing with us.
After this genetic manipulation, humans became ignorant and easy to control.
Reptilians were in charge. They did not allow people to depict their true appearance, so these tyrannical creatures were depicted in different ways, but always non-human.
The fear grid
They did more than mess with our genetics. They placed a grid, a net over our world, the net of the vibration of fear. That is a real frequency that prevents the earth from being contacted by most good entities.
David Icke believes that this grid is maintained by the Moon. It is believed by some that the Moon is not a natural planet, that it was placed there for a purpose. Credo Mutwa talks about African ancient stories of the Moon being placed in the sky and people going crazy after. It is believed that the installation of the Moon may have caused giant floods which many cultures talk about, and it’s recorded in the Bible.
The fear grid, I believe, is reinforced by human sacrifice on ley lines. Also, when humans are not awakened, they reinforce this grid by maintaining the vibration of fear and teaching their children the world of fear, hostility, and limitation. When wars are created, I believe this grid is fed. When people hate each other, when there is no love, this grid benefits.
Not all of us are human
There seems to be no hope for humans. Yet, humans are not alone in this world. According to the belief of the people such as Jordan Maxwell and David Icke, those who are awakened are not of this world. They believe such humans to actually be Pleiadians in human bodies.
Pleiadian channelings reveal that Pleiadian beings in human bodies have certain codes placed in them that activate at appropriate times. For example, I got awakened after a question out of nowhere popped in my mind, and it was like a voice that was in my mind saying “Is this all life can offer me?” This led me to buy a book which eventually freed me from the 9 to 5 slavery. I talk about it on my About page.
David Icke also talks about the event that awakened him. I don’t remember the exact details as I listened to his story a while ago, but he was led to one psychic’s book and he felt the need to meet her. After some sessions with her, he was told that he has a mission on this earth. That’s how his career started.
Every awakened person has some kind of unusual story as such to share. It’s like we live in this world in a haze, questioning but not understanding, and something shakes us out of that sleep, and our lives take a totally new turn.
Even before the activation, light beings do not feel the same as earth beings. They question everything. They don’t understand this world. They want to figure it out. They do not have much in common with other humans.
Earth humans do not question. They are very easily led. They like to be controlled by some authority. They easily plug into the hive mind, and being singled out from the crowd is painful to them. They are programmed, and unquestioningly they program their own children. They don’t question things like why they are in a job they hate, they take their children to schools, they religiously drink the medicine the “expert” doctor gave them. They are drowning in misery yet they point their finger at others as the cause of that misery.
Jordan Maxwell calls earth humans “pawns”. They go where they are directed. The real battle is taking place not between reptilians and humans, but between reptilians and Pleiadians for the fate of humans. That’s why it can be so frustrating for the light beings to keep teaching humans where there is almost no response to the teachings – they really do not hear you, they really do not see what you are showing them. They are in deep hypnosis, right since the genetic mutilation of their bodies by the evil ones.
Our purpose here on earth
Since we are not of this world, we operate with more guidance. We have different codes placed in us which activate at different times. We get information downloads from the Sun and when we meditate. We get information downloads in our sleep. When we meditate and see different shapes, this is the encoded information. The more complex the shape, the more complex the information. That’s why we are able to know that something is true even before the experience of it. And then the experience comes.
Pleiadian channelings say that we are here for one purpose – to raise the vibration of the earth. If the earth remains in fear, it will be shut off from all the communications with good beings, totally left to self-destruct. Reptilians destroyed many worlds this way. In meditation and sleep, I traveled to those grey, desolate and abandoned worlds. I traveled to the worlds where beings live in constant fear of survival. This world will become such if its energy isn’t raised.
Our task here is to live in peace, harmony and love. Our task is not to go on protests and be angry at the oppressors, but to create our lives according to universal laws, so that they serve as examples for others. We have to first win over our reptilian brain, the side of us that is cold-hearted, calculating, selfish. The side of us that contains all the horrible reptilian traits. And then we need to create the world according to our intention, so that we create a piece of heaven here and others follow our example.
When we operate from the heart center, when we beam love, light and positivity, we allow the earth to receive the energy of love sent to our world from other universes. This helps to awaken other individuals and this weakens the reptilian control and the fear grid.
The more we manage to maintain our high vibration and respect the creatures and creations of this earth, the more light we are able to contain, and light is information. This benefits entire humanity, since all of us are connected. When enough people get the information of empowerment, a critical mass will be achieved and humans will be awakened.
That’s why it’s very important for us to remain the incarnations of light, love, hope, compassion and all the other good traits. We cannot afford to lower our vibration at this time as we are the ones stopping the evil agenda from progressing even further. When we lower our vibration, information in the form of light is blocked, and we are unable to understand more.
The laws of this world are not what they seem to be
Pleiadians claim that our world is different from others. It’s the world of free will, they say. This earth was created to be of unlimited possibilities with the laws that allow you to manifest anything that you want. Reptilians deactivated most of the DNA and placed their restrictions to live by, and the purpose of the light beings on earth is to show that those restrictions are only mental. All the limitations are in the mind – like the spoon-being scene in the Matrix movie.
Pleiadians say that our task is to keep our vibration high, to never lower it, and to intentionally create our lives. This will serve as inspiration for others to do other same, as humans tend to learn from the examples of other humans the most – more than from their teachings.
We can do the impossible even in these times of restriction, which is simply a manifestation of a limited mass-mind. Those of us who did not contribute to that restriction now live freely even in these times. This is how it’s supposed to be – you will be placed on this earth exactly where you harmonize with the environment.
How to change this world
We are to intend how we want to live and what laws work in our lives. We are to release this intention into the Universe knowing that the old manifested conditions will pass, and the new ones will arrive at the right time.
For example, we can intend to do only in life what gives us joy and get paid for it. We can intend for our health to get better with age and each passing year to become more interesting and joyful. There are no rules in this world, according to Pleiadians, so the only thing that can limit us is our current beliefs of what’s possible and what isn’t.
Pleiadians saw that because of extremely opposing energies in this world, it is likely that those who live in harmony with nature and with positivity will eventually give birth to another dimension – a new earth. Whilst those choosing to live in subservience to governments and live in selfishness and greed, will be left on this decaying world. Pleiadians said that the fate of those people is terrifying.
We are seeing now how different the energies are. You literally walk into different realities of humans. We can live quite close to one another, but our worlds are completely different. For example, here on my land, I created my own piece of heaven. Birds are everywhere, trees are changing their colors from green to autumn gold and red, the sun is shining so brightly illuminating these beautiful ancient trees. I love my world.
Yet in my country, v xx passports are already in place, people are unable to enter supermarkets without them, and government officials wish for unv xx ed people to simply die.
How different these worlds are. Yet, it’s a proof that our vibration is everything. We must keep it undisturbed, we must keep it high. Such vibration will free you – you must not look at the manifestations of evil. You need to concern yourself only with keeping your vibration high, and intending your life rather than thinking that you are at the mercy of some government official.
Remember, evil forces cannot harm you if you maintain a high vibration.
We need to stop needing to have authority over us
I must say here that some people take action which they think is freedom-promoting, when the opposite is the case. For example, people going on protest to reclaim their freedoms. They are affirming by such an action that they believe that they are not free. They are going to their masters to plead for more freedoms.
We have no masters. We are free and independent. Why do people want to live under some tyrannical authority? It’s time to create true freedom. This follows from pure intentions coming from the mind that knows the truth – that we are free already.
As long as humans want to be taken care of, as long as they believe that they can’t control their own lives and as long as they put blame on others, someone will control them. We need to save our own selves. We need to better the world by bettering our own selves. It’s time to become a true example for others to learn from.
No matter where you are now, what circumstances you are experiencing, start from there. Do not look at the limitations around you, but clear your mind of all the fear-based beliefs, and from this pure canvas intend the life you really want to live. Then see the world changing around you, day by day, manifestations of your old beliefs leaving your life and the new order of things establishing.
Dear Simona,
I see your point, but I believe that no great changes in societal structures can be achieved by simply retreating. Living off the grid is simply not an option for most of us; therefore, the system has to be changed. And systems have changed in the past as well, therefore it is our duty to voice our opinion loud and also go to the protests, even if it means lowering our vibration. I believe that building the new earth can also mean being in a very active, masculine energy.
Great changes can be achieved through non-compliance towards agendas that seek to enslave. That is not retreating. That is resisting enslavement through silent peaceful means.
The problem is that there is so many people whose minds have been enslaved by the system, they continously keep society at a lower vibration level. The people whose minds are not free, are under the mind control of others.
Those others want to stop people from being free from their ‘financial debt based system’ of control, that allows a tiny minority absolute control over the world by engineering society to be a slave based system enforced through mass mind control. ‘Medical dictatorship’ has been imposed on top of that debt based financial system recently. It is pure evil. Weak people want masters to rule them, to tell them how to live, how to think, to tell them what to put into their bodies. It is a weak mentality to have, to accept a master (Debt based slavery) and place absolute trust in that master (Big pharma), when that master has shown itself to be sinister.
I agree with Simona in the sense that ‘protesting’ itself is like ‘begging’ a master which in that case would be ‘NWO controlled governMIND’ to be a little bit more nicer and stop taking away freedoms. If people have to literally beg and protest for their freedoms back, people were never really free to begin with. It is like an abusive relationship.
Silent peaceful non-compliance, the off-grid lifestyle is a good option, no one said it was easy, but again, most people love and trust their masters so much that they are willing to partake in a dangerous medical experiment, their weakness, their servitude lowers the vibration of society and keeps it under slavery.
People fall into great deceptions simply by letting their minds be ruled by others.
Dear Simona, I agreed with all you sad. I like this quite: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” I want to say a lot but instead i want to share some information with you. Please watch it i can guarantee you you will find a lots of interesting there. God bless and stay cool and on high vibration.
Awaken the World
Who will destroy the Cabal? Who will end up controlling the world?
Another great read by Simona Rich. ABSOLUTELY inspiring and just so thoughtful, warm and considerate. You really take time and effort to thoroughly convey your thoughts. I literally feel very loved browsing your page. I may follow a similar format soon and encourage the Awakened. Side note: I always wondered why Moses had to ask Pharoah to ‘Let my people go!’
Another great read by Simona Rich. ABSOLUTELY inspiring and just so thoughtful, warm and considerate. You really take time and effort to thoroughly convey your thoughts. I literally feel very loved browsing your page. I may follow a similar format soon and encourage the Awakened. Side note: I always wondered why Moses had to ask Pharoah to ‘Let my people go!’
That is a nice positive article. Yes, it is true that going off grid is a way to get away from the madness of the modern world.
Regarding the other things in the article, i do not believe in ancient astronaut theories, such as aliens in spaceships from different planets doing human DNA manipulation or any of ”George Adamski ufology/pleiadian/nordic aliens hypothesis myself. Simply because, i believe such ideology has its roots in the UFO craze of ‘roswell’ and the ‘war of the worlds’ craze from Adamski’s particular generation and the modern age in general.
I do not believe in the “Globe Earth Spinning Sphere Model” and the general idea of earth being an insignificant nothing in the universe, that modern science pushes in the form of occultic mind control regarding Crowley influenced NASA, of which George Adamski and his generation were indoctrinated into (through no fault of their own) through the rocket and UFO culture of their time.
When earth is removed from the centre of the universe in such a globe model, it is dangerous because it undermines the prestige of the earth as a realm of supreme beauty, divine origin and something to take care of and to respect, to see life on it as being special and important.
An interesting point of note too is that a lot of well known ancient belief systems described the earth as a round circular level plane. I will trust the older descriptions of earth over any modern ones.
I find it suspicious that UFO alien culture is being consistently pushed by hollywood and tv shows like ‘ancient aliens’ into the collective subconcious of society. It is like the subject is being deliberately embedded into the conciousness through pop culture, movies, entertainment. When people from history described themselves as being abducted, they would say it was ghosts, demons etc. But since UFO/Alien culture has been embedded into the modern subconcious, people say they are being abducted by aliens on spaceships. I am suspicious of it. I do not trust anything being pushed through hollywood. The ET movies, space movies, it is like they want people to think in certain ways, to dream in certain ways. So as to condition people to act in a certain way when faced with something they have been programmed to accept. For example, look at all the hollywood movies around virus/pandemics, infected people, it is like they are planting seeds to condition people to accept those things as being something that are possible. Covid-19 is pure stage opera. The suits, the masks, it has all been implanted in the subconcious through pandemic movies.
NASA’s logo is a “Forked Tongue”
The modern world is theatre. Once the symbols can be deciphered, it is all stage opera.
As for pleiadian ideology and people that claim channeling, i do believe these people could very well be in touch with something supernatural and something that wants humanity at a higher vibration level. I see it as being maybe something more interdimensional in origin trying to raise positive vibrations spiritually of people who meditate for better conditions on earth.
When speaking about reptilians or other such negative or positive creatures, from my understanding i generally view them as not coming from some far off planet arriving to a spinning ball earth in a spaceship like hollywood wants people to believe. I believe some of those types of entities are beings of interdimensional origin, that can enter the earth plane electrically as in a portal, that can also influence the electrical brain frequency of humans, through spiritual resonance whether positive or negative. That makes more sense to me, regarding human DNA manipulation and manipulation of conciousness as the earth does seem like an electrical place, with ‘unseen’ aspects to it, other realms and worlds living along side it, that operate at different electrical frequencies to earth itself, but can connect with the earth plane. I believe that different beings live in those planes of existence, just like on earth, they have their own frequencies.
Certain non-human entities also exist as Egregores, the psychic manifestations of entities that serve the interests of the human conjurer. When some people try to psychologically manifest certain entities to be an egregore, sometimes they are inadvertedly becoming vessels and attracting sinister spirits that will attach themselves to the aura of the individual for negative purposes. It goes both ways though, some entities are good and can be a healthy guiding or guardian spirit naturally attaches itself to an individuals aura. If it is a good spirit, it stays as a protector as long the individual is in resonance with the good nature of it.
I think it is right to assume that a lot of dark energy is behind overly totalitarian implements of power. It is seen throughout history, empires cause much suffering. In the modern age, big pharma is like an empire that causes great suffering, an empire that profits from governments, that hold their peoples freedoms hostage, to coerce them into undertaking a dangerous medical intervention of which big pharma profits from all in the name of a fictional disease. The agenda is very dark.
It is interesting that you speak about reptilians and mention that they are not really depicted by humans as such.
Mostly they are not depicted a lot i agree. But instances of reptilian style entities being depicted from history can be found, it can be difficult though.
Look up the “Ubaid Lizardmen Statues” from the Ubaid period of prehistoric Mesopotamia, it is a sumerian culture. The statues are thought to be thousands of years old. The figurines are humanoids with snake heads. So people were worshipping these statues and they are real items from history that are displayed in modern museums. A lot of those ancient deities were ‘Chthonic’ which means they can be described as low vibration demonic entities from the ancient civilisations. The ancient egyptians also had a deity called APEP, depicted as a snake, a primordial monster of chaos, evil personified.
And speaking of snake-heads. The St. Peters Basilica in the vatican, is literally a giant snake when viewed from above. There are also black cobblestones that resemble snake scales.
When viewed from overhead, (try maps) you can see it as being representative of a snake, it is very subtle, but you really can see the body, head, the crown, the mouth, the eyes, and the forked tongue of a snake. Just start seeing the street leading up to the basilica as the tail of the snake, the dome of the basilica is on top the snakes head, the dome is the crown, the eyes are to the side of the head, the forked tongue is on the street at ground level.
In an other building of the vatican there is a giant snake built into the interior architecture, it is in the “Hall of the Pontifical Audiences” also known as ”Paul VI Audience Hall. Built into the architecture of the room is a giant snakes head with fangs. The speech platform on which people speak, is literally inside the snakes mouth with fangs on the side of it.
So is the pope a reptilian? I don’t think so. I think he is human. But, he still speaks out of a reptiles head with fangs in the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences.
The word ‘basilica’ also can be traced back to a greek word meaning ‘King or Royal’
The vatican is literally a snake building that is called king or royal. They talk about hell and fire, but during the inquisition they were the ones putting people through a hell and fire.
This is some of the reasons why the world is so dark. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Deception, lies. Chtonic low vibrational demonic energy is controlling many parts of the earth plane.
Thank you, Loki. You are right. They are trying to embed certain beliefs in our minds. It could be that these other beings are interdimensional and not directly coming from space. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Hi Simona
I am wondering if you study the Advaita Vedanta or if you have spiritual roots with Sri Bhagavan Maharshi or Sri Ramakrishna? Just wondering your perception of these.
Yes, I did, and I am in complete agreement with the teachings of Maharshi, not so much Ramakrishna.
Thank you for the reply! I live in the States and I’m wondering if you have written anything about the X across America? Its 2 total solar eclipses that make an exact X across the country. One eclipse happened in 2017, next on is Feb 2024
If the moon is not a natural planet, is it still relevant in astrology?
Thank you
Yes, because astrology was likely born out of observation of how planetary bodies affect us, and the Moon surely affects people and nature.
Well,reading this only now…good .
The people that came up with, and enforced, all the different religions practiced on earth, and I do mean all of them, were psychotic power hungry people. What they were makes no difference. If an ugly man or hansom man or white man or black man or yellow man or brown man is shooting at you, they are your enemy. Doesn’t make a difference how beautiful they are or what color skin they have or what race or species they belong to. They are not your friend.
Christians are divided people. Jews are divided people. Muslims are divided people. They all have different sects and often war with each other, other religions, and the non-religious. Governments are divided people – royals vs other royals vs parliament, this political party vs that political party, this government vs that government, etc.
The ONLY group I’m aware of that is not divided are the Masons/Freemasons. They do not war with each other, BUT, they divide, conquer, and rule everybody else. They got their start in Egypt after the pyramid wars and brought the world into the dark ages time and time again.
The Bible is a Masonic creation, as are all the Abrahamic religions. As for Hinduism, that came from Inanna – one of the Anunnaki women that was about as evil as evil gets. She ruled the Indus Vally. Her name in the Americas is Kali (cali-fornia) Columbia, and Liberty. She started the caste system in India. She was a real blood-thirsty bitch learning her trade from Marduk – another Anunnaki piece of dung the universe crapped out. There is a good chance Inanna came from the Pleiades. ( read Charles Hall’s stuff ).
When the “gods” were chased out of the Middle East and India, they tucked tail and ran to the Americas where they started the same blood sacrificial crap they started in the Middle East. Step-foot-on-their-property and you will be shot dead by their security team – the US Military.
What their real names were, who knows, those are just a few of the names they were worshiped as, as are the names the lord, Jesus, Yahweh, Jahovah, Elohim, Allah, etc.
NONE of the religious beliefs they taught are spiritual in nature. They are all evil cloaked in righteousness. There isn’t a god or goddess from the past or present that deserves worship of any kind and I doubt there will be such a being in the future, one that deserves a world or universe of slaves worshiping it. Anybody that demands worship is not your friend but they could be your potential enslaver. Anybody that spends their lives worshiping a god or goddess is nothing more than a slave.
To demand worship is just absurd. To allow ‘rulers’ to rule over you is just as absurd. ‘Rulers’ are just people and they require other people willing to use guns against fellow people to rule over anybody.