You cannot solve a big problem with the same level of vibration that you have it on. It’s not the thinking, it’s the lifting of your being that gets you out unfavorable circumstances and resolves your difficulties.

Many people want to achieve much more than they have. For example, many want to have their own businesses, but either the businesses fail when they try, or they can’t seem to start at all.

It’s not a new strategy, book or a teacher that they need, but the raising of their vibration. Then they will lift themselves onto a higher place, from where the solutions to their problems are easily seen.

We are conditioned since childhood to rely on others to resolve our problems, and we are encouraged to seek help outside of ourselves. This disempowers us.

To really change your circumstances and get unstuck, you will have a lot of work to do. Raising vibration is not easy when we are stuck in strong habit patterns, but pleasant once you see the results.

To raise your vibration, it will require a major change in how you behave, in what you do. For example, saying no to fast food, and eating home-made food only. Or waking up very early. Or avoiding triggers that make you angry or upset and focusing on healing those unconscious responses.

The more years we spent in unhealthy habits, the harder it is to uproot them from our being. But if we want to raise our vibration, this we must do.

How to raise your vibration

Make a list of things that you know need to change. Eating patterns, habitual responses, excessive attachments, laziness, a rude personality – whatever applies to you.

Then make a plan of how you will change it, and start implementing it right now. You’ll need to continue for 40 days, to really do away with the old patterns and to establish new ones.

Also, set up your life in a way which protects you from negative triggers whilst you heal. Speak to your neighbors or parents less if they trigger you. Avoid the people who make you feel valueless or upset. Avoid places that make you feel unhappy.

In addition, add something that’s vibration-raising into your life. Such as listening to the uplifting, spiritual music only. Doing yoga or meditating. Watching only inspiring high-vibration videos. Doing an information purge. Writing a gratitude list every time you wake up. Often frequenting nature, to connect with the Mother Earth.

The results of raising vibration

Once you raise your vibration even by a little, your world must shift. You will enter another timeline – a better timeline – for yourself. So the misfortunes that waited for you in your old timeline will no longer happen, and the dreams that could not manifest in an old timeline will in this one.

However, the bigger the change you envision for yourself, the more you’ll need to work on raising your vibration. Because if, at the moment, you are nowhere near a goal you see yourself enjoying, a lot more light will have to come into your being to make this possible.

So get working. Do not defend yourself, but look at yourself clearly. What needs to change in you to move upward in life? Make a list, and start working on it.