Thanks to the fake c ov id situation, travel is restricted for the non-vac ci nated ones. As any seeming misfortune can be turned to one’s advantage, I used this limitation to free myself.
Since I was quite burned by an out-of-control kundalini awakening in the past, I now proceeded with this spiritual endeavor with the utmost caution, as I do with any spiritual activity now. I deliberately chose lucid dreaming rather than something like astral projection – as it’s safer.
(I consider lucid dreaming and astral travel to be the same thing, but because I’m new to it, I’m unable to make further comments about it. It seems like lucid dreaming is safer. It’s like getting to the same destination using a safer method – that’s how I see it at the moment.)
I only had one lucid dream years ago, and it wasn’t intentional. I woke up in a dream, when I was in a horse-drawn carriage, sitting with other people. I told them that I knew that it was only a dream, so they don’t need to act anymore. I don’t remember what their reactions were.
But this time I consciously wanted to initiate lucid dreams.
Firstly, I started keeping a dream journal. When I would wake up, I would dig my brain to uncover what I was up to in sleep. Sometimes the dreams were clear and I was able with ease to note down their details. At other times, it would take hours to remember.
I would keep asking myself throughout the day what I was dreaming about, which locations I visited in the dreams, and which people I was with. Sometimes dream details would arise in the midday, or even just before the next night’s sleep. On rare occasions, no details would come forth.
Two weeks had passed, with no lucid dreams. I persisted. I added more things to do. I watched more lucid dreaming videos and listened to more lucid dreaming audiobooks.
I set up Google reminders to ask me every two hours whether I was dreaming. I consciously thought about lucid dreaming during the day.
Another week went by uneventfully, but I didn’t give up. The fourth week, however, was anything but uneventful.
I would always meditate before my sleep. This, I found, made me fall asleep much faster, as the body would be relaxed. During one of my meditations, I started seeing images before my mind’s eye, slowly merging into actual dreams. But I was only an observer of those happenings, being unable to move, neither even perceiving myself in any form or shape in them. It was similar to watching a movie.
One night during meditation I perceived myself hovering over what I think was either Antarctica or the North Pole. There was only snow and deep blue water.
This reminded me of several dreams I remember having about being on a broken ice sheet, floating in deep blue waters, with hundreds of other ice floes around. There were penguins there, so I perceived this to be Antarctica rather than the North Pole. It was so totally quiet and peaceful there, and the waters were unmoving.
I’ve never seen such ice floes not even on TV since I have no interest in cold regions, being a lover of tropical places. But I googled the images, and this picture is quite similar to what I saw, though ice flows were smaller, and there were penguins on some of them.

Some people believe that the North and South poles are openings into the inner earth. Maybe we astrally travel there sometimes during sleep.
So during the fourth week, I started becoming an observer of the start of my astral travels, or dreams, whilst meditating. Those dreams were of astral-projection style, where I would catch myself watching the floor of my farmhouse, or I would view some location on this earth, yet being only a watcher of those pictures, and not in any bodily form.
A few days before the 30-day mark of the start of my lucid dreaming attempts, I came across information on a lucid dreaming herb. Keep in mind, I was frequently praying for help in lucid dreaming. So maybe this final help came in the form of this piece of information.
This herb was the mugwort.

I found out that it’s called a lucid dreaming herb. (Valerian root can have similar effects.) If you drink or moke it, you are likely to have much more vivid dreams or you may even become lucid in a dream.
I had to try this. I went outdoors to see if I still can find such an herb on my farm, though during autumn plants are starting to die or shed leaves.
This is a common herb in Lithuania and I was familiar with it before, so my hopes of finding it were high. Finally, I did come across some of these herbs, but only a few of them, because most were black because of the frostbite.
I took those that looked fresh, put them in a pot of water, and boiled them down to a brown liquid. I wanted a small dose of it because of its diuretic properties. I’d rather not wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.
By the way, this herb is abortive so pregnant women should never use it.
I also dried a branch on my wood stove to burn in a room before meditation at night.
The night came and it was time for me to meditate. I burned a branch of mugwort and inhaled the smoke a few times. I felt a slight burning sensation in my nostrils.
I meditated and got some visions, but nothing out of ordinary. Then I drank the brown decoction and lied down for sleep.
My temperature dropped and I felt cold. I think that’s because it lowered my blood pressure, being a sedative. So I felt quite cold under the blanket when usually that blanket sufficiently warms me at night. I got some spasms in my right eye for some reason, then they disappeared, and I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I couldn’t remember any dreams whatsoever. It seemed that this herb caused the opposite effect to what I hoped for.
I was ready to give up on it, when all of a sudden, whilst being on YouTube, I got a video suggestion of the same guy that introduced me to mugwort, titled on the thumbnail “Mugwort Doses Not Working?”. Of course, I clicked on it.
It turns out that not having anything happen during the first uses of this herb is more than usual. It was advised to continue. So I did.
However, since I only had very little mugwort left, I only dried a few remaining branches to burn before meditation.
The night came, and before meditation, I inhaled the remaining mugwort smoke. I meditated uneventfully and fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning, but couldn’t remember any dreams though I knew I had them. I tried hard to remember them, to no avail. Then I fell asleep again.
This time, I found myself in a dream, but still unconscious that I was in it. First, it was a dream with my mother, then it shifted to be about my friend. And then I found myself in familiar dream settings – a big luxurious hotel which I visit in dreams sometimes so I kind of know my way around.
At this time, I forgot which was my room, so I was trying to find it. The hotel had a light wood interior, and wine-colored carpets, and furniture of antique style.
I was headed to one particular area of the hotel, towards one room. I was close to it when my attention got caught by an exquisite light wood-paneled wall. As I was looking at it, I realized that since I live in a farmhouse and I’m not traveling anywhere at the moment, this must be a dream.
At first, I couldn’t believe it. Am I finally lucid dreaming? I even asked myself – am I really in a dream right now? Since I knew that there is no possibility of me being in this place for real, I knew it must be a dream.
I got so excited. I was elated. My hard work all this month paid off. But I also knew that too much excitement could wake me up. I think this strong awareness of this possibility is what kept the dream going; as though I maintained dual awareness; with one awareness I was in a dream, with another, I was as though guarding it against discontinuing.
I touched the wooden panel. It felt real, just like in the waking state. I felt the lacquer and the slightly uneven surface of the wood. I proceeded to enter a room, which I knew wasn’t mine.
The room was dark because dark wine-colored curtains were on the windows. I opened the curtains to allow the daylight in. I looked around the room and saw a bed. Under a dark green cover, I saw some figure lying.
I uncovered the cover to find a blond boy under it, of around eight years old. His forehead was bleeding.
I asked him what happened. He said his father beat him.
I asked if he wanted me to help him to escape from there. He said yes.
I told him that he would need to find my room, and I told him its number. He asked me why we couldn’t leave together. I said it’s too dangerous – we may be caught this way. He agreed.
When I turned around to leave the room, I saw that the wall near the door was made of mirrors. Or maybe it was a wardrobe with mirrors – I’m not sure. I decided to approach the mirror to see how my dream reflection looked like, though it was a little scary. I approached the mirror – it was misty.
I tried to clean it but to no avail. So I was only able to see the general shape of me, which didn’t seem any different to the waking world, but I wasn’t able to see any details.
The room started shifting, and now its walls became green. I perceived my cat to be moving close to my physical body. I was able to maintain this dual awareness. I knew I was in bed and I felt the cat next to me, but I was also able to allow the dream to continue.
Wanting to list in detail all that had taken place in my first lucid dream, I decided to exit this experience.
So this was my first conscious lucid dreaming experience.
I’m beyond excited. To me, this cannot be compared to any worldly gift, no matter how expensive.
I have many objectives to fulfill in this state, from exploring my subconscious to eliminating what should not be there, to meeting spiritual beings, and having the fun of my life in the world I’m able to create by intention.
I believe this state is astral travel. Of course, if the mind simply is unloading at night, you will get all sorts of weird dream experiences that would be the echo of what you did in a day. But there are times where you are in some specific location, which is totally unrelated to your waking experiences. This, I believe is the astral travel done usually unconsciously.
In lucid dreams, you can attend spiritual lectures, meet very advanced beings, and even heal your physical body, as all physical ailments are rooted in spiritual problems. I’m very excited to be starting this new adventure, and I’m actually grateful to the government-imposed restrictions of today for making this spiritual development happen.
Was I able to travel anywhere I wished now, I would not have had any reason to awaken this spiritual faculty. So thank you, the oppressors of this world.
This is so exciting! I took the habit of writing down my dreams a few months ago. I hope to do lucid dreaming too.
I hope you will, Johanne.
Check out ” Theta Realms ”
Or ” Sonic Elevator ”
We have been listening to it for years when we go to sleep.
We Bluetooth it thru a speaker outside the bedroom and have the tunes drifting in .
Mr theta is out of this world.
Journey well.
Thank you, Sean.
I advice you to leave that theta stuff away and keep on a natural way to do what you do.Except if you know exactly what’s behind these sounds and which doors they can open…
Hi Simona
Recently I had a dream of very famous bollywood celibrity & this was one of lucid dreams I guess cause it was very much real but I didn’t understand I never wished to meet this actor or not even his big fan then why I had dream about him and this was for the second time this perticuler celibrity appeared in my dream what stood out was his warmth and sweet presence and what can I call it!!then as a curuacity I checked out some of his social media profiles and one of his interview(what a coincidence thing the interviewer girl too had the very much same dream expirience as that of mine) so from this I understood he is something different but why he visited me in the dream ?
R, lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming, and therefore you can influence the dream.
It’s quite wild and unbelievable to me that you of all people would just now be having lucid dreams! Let alone need drugs to induce them! I would never want them stronger than are. I’ve had them since I was a small child and I continue without trying. Much of the time I wish they would stop. I’ve thought for a couple years now though how much I always doubt myself, but realizing more that I am by no means as unadept as I think I am. I love your experiments and all you share! I was wondering what happened to Leo? I try to keep up but I must have missed that!
I know some totally ignorant people knowing how to lucid dream, and I came accross some black magicians who are experts at it. 20% of people in the world lucid dream quite well. Lucid dreaming doesn’t show your spiritual level. Dani, lose your self-importance, as it’s like a bad odor in the world of spirit. Lose your judgment and grow out of immaturity, and then, like anything else, you can use lucid dreaming as a tool to spiritually grow. I felt the urge to write this to you, so I guess you reached out to get this message.
Hi Simona,
Thank you for sharing ethical doctors who were censored; you have helped a bunch of us during this PLANdemic.
Here’s a report with two works cited at the end; as always take it or leave it;
Live Free
***Leal Lithium Stars and E.T. LIFE***
Leal Lithium Stars(L-type brown dwarf stars) are the most numerous of stars in our galaxy, and also the most likely to host planets with life. These stars are mostly water, yet also show some lithium(just as the SAFFIRE lab plasma technology produces; they talk of remediating nuclear waste).
Planets might be nestled close and warm to such Saturn-sized stars; so close they’d be within the star’s plasma-sheathe and thus their entire faces warmed by a hazy glow and wet MIST of mostly water, regardless of any type of orbit. This MIST reminds of the adamah; her entire face was watered by a MIST….
Poetically consider how God(Jesus) made grass grow on earth a “day” before He made the sun and moon! Be wise as serpents and peaceful as doves:
The second verse of Genesis is often mistranslated as “earth was void,” yet the true translation is “earth BECAME void.”
After the earth BECAME void, God flies like Noah’s dove; God flies over the lower waters; He seeks to redeem and rebuild from the void(the lower waters; Satan’s/Lilith’s rebellion). Like Noah’s dove, God’s mission is DRY LAND, as opposed to the wetness of the adamah.
God intended to make Adam in His image and let THEM rule the earth(Satan’s/Lilith’s rebellion; the lower waters). Just as Man can mean humanity; Adam(without a preceding “THE”) means humanity; male and female; THEM.
The adam was taken as dry dust from the wet adamah; God made dry the adam and breathed life into the adam. The proper name Adam(without a preceding “THE”) only referred to God’s INTENTION to make both male and female in His IMAGE; after the Bible states that intention twice(both times referring to a race that had not been completed) the Bible does not use the proper name Adam again until the birth of Seth.
Male and female made He them, yet only the adam(no full Adam; just THE adam) was finalized in God’s image, because the adamah became too wet from the mist which rose(of its own will) from the earth(lower waters; the void; Lilith’s/Satan’s rebellion). God blessed THEM anyway and told THEM to be fruitful, multiply and eat of any tree.
THE adam BECAME alone, so God summoned the adamah, her birds and her mammals to be named by the adam. God helping and commanding the adam to dominate the adamah by forcing her arrival and naming her to be a helpmeet on God’s terms; it seems these terms were rejected, so God made Eve out of THE dryest part of the man(iysh), thus Eve’s first name was woman(iyshshah) because she was taken from man(iysh).
Ssshhh…The biblical word for Eden’s serpent(nachash) has various translations, yet the Gesenius Lexicon shows the root word means “whisper.”
Now the serpent was the most subtle of all the “beasts of the field”(this Hebrew phrase is used throughout the bible, referring to mammals that can play; emotional intelligence). As for the serpent(whisper; ssshhh) being “subtle,” that same Hebrew word for “subtle” is retranslated as “naked” in other verses: with and without being ashamed.
Ssshhh shares the tree of knowledge with Iyshshah(woman). The tree of knowledge was created by the adamah.
God curses the adam to serve the adamah by the sweat of the adam’s brow just as the face of the adamah was wetted before the creation of the adam.
The serpent(whisper; ssshhh) and iyshshah(woman) were punished by God; their offspring are supposed to be rivals where the seed of iyshshah shall defeat the serpent’s seed.
The bible mentions Lilith only once, although names like Adam, Abraham, and the adamah have changed names if not aquired multiple names. The Bible says Lilith is found where deserts meet islands; this riddle is about drying out the last of the lowest waters(Lilith’s/Saturn’s rebellion). Lilith is found nesting with an arrow-snake(NOT a nachash/whisper); their home becomes more desolate and inhospitable; Lilith tears open the Yom Kippur kid-he-goat and recieves all the unrepentant sinners while Iyshshah is redeemed and transported to safety. Again, Iyshshah is the name Eve bore during God’s proclamation that she and the serpent(ssshhh) shall bear rivaling seed; in Yom Kippur, two kid goats represent the rival seed sacrificial offerings; one is accepted by God and sacrificed(Messiah; Jesus; God Himself) and reborn, while the other is rejected and sent to wander until they are killed by dried-out and desperate Lilith, thus forcing the sins of humanity upon Lilith for eternity.
Lilith tries to protect her dayot(flying ones) yet their home worsens into Hell anyway. I suspect the dayot(flying ones) refer to certain types of advanced astral projectors….
So is Lilith about to dry out? In Sumerian, “lil” means “air; spirit” yet in Hebrew, “layil” means “night;” like a whispering… whispy…
…The Bible does not introduce baptism until the New Testament where Jesus gets his face watered.
The “mist” that watered the face of the adamah whom sinners like the adam are cursed to serve by the sweat of their face… The “mist” reminds of the Oracle of Delphi; the woman who breathed in the psychedelic mists that rose from Earth’s depths.
Considering the ancient MYSTery SCHOOLS and their burned down libraries(sshhh!)…Considering the Bible’s poetic antagonism against those who have oceanic knowledge; even Leviathan(the fleeing serpent) is likened to “ships” at sea….Considering the old testament was written recently after a terrible deluge that increased people’s fears of waters…..
…Considering what I suspect of the Sith(pronounced “Shee” ssshhh…) being ghosts of ancient peoples led by women; they were alive before Noah’s flood; they built megalithic structures with advanced astronomical alignments; like ATLas; ATLantis; coATL(Mayan word for serpent); and ATL(Mayan word for water).
The Sith(Shee) reminds of one of the Hebrew words for man: iysh.
Sheesh: iysh made iyshshah even though the adamah made the adam.
Sounds sithiysh:
Ishtar was an ancient goddess of fertility. Later we get the hebrew iysh(man), then Jesus gets His face wet and Ishtar becomes Easter….
Seems like the old testament was a political smear campaign that used the watery deluge to blame and subjugate the original powers of women and perhaps an ancient oral tradition(whispers;shsh) preserving ancient data. Just as the bible contradictorily names how the adam was taken from the adamah while iyshshah(woman) was taken from iysh(man), there are other major contradictions: the Bible also calls Lilith by the name of Alukah, where she can harm and abort adulterous women while healing and helping righteous women concieve.
As much as the bible wanted to demonize the ancient powers of wet women, watery baptism is finally conceded to and introduced in the New Testament where Jesus gets baptized and hangs out with Magdalene.
Sounds like Lilith is always winning at least secretly: shsh… After all, the Bible says Noah’s flood was meant to kill the serpent’s(whisper’s) seed, yet admits one survived:
Her name is Naamaah;
she learned to stay.
Naamaah stay.
Lilith’s Mirrors; ssshhh; mind the ripples.
Wise as serpents(ssshhh; quiet mind; in the adamah’s psychic library)
Peaceful as doves(seek for reasonable dry land to rest from psychic watery emotions/dreams).
Just as the royal woman would choose her husband and make him a pharoah; who knows what powers women may remember and create; Her powers of Night(Layil) make Knights.
So what of E.T. life in the night sky? Remember the gray hybrid
Kotel Ebol Eban? I’ve met other hybrid grays and they say they are from earth. They remind me of the underground
“ant people” who saved the
Native Americans during a deluge.
Kotel sounds like coATL(serpent)
I suspect the inner earth teaches the nature of
ANTi-gravity. To be in the inner earth would be to feel ANTi-gravity as a force of nature.
Works cited:
The Thunderbolts Project:
The Case for Lilith: 23 Biblical Evidences Identifying the Serpent as Adam’s First Failed Wife in Genesis
(by Mark Wayne Biggs)
By the way I’ve been meditating neck-deep with breath work and full submersions today and most other days this Winter in the icey Saco River of
New Hampshire; motivated by the Wim Hof Method, though my custom style might be less healthy because I still smoke….
There’s a funny interview between Wim Hof and Sadhguru. Tropical India is beautiful; I’m so thankful Simona went there, and I hope amazing new cleaner technologies make India available to all who honor India’s promotion of spirituality.
…I cannot judge any of us; so I hope to be more thankful…
Live Free!
Happy Healthy Strong!
Thank you for sharing, Todd.