Here is a revised transcript of the video above:
In this article, I thought I would analyze the natal chart of Mother Teresa. I checked whether her birth time is exact, and actually, her birth time listed on astrology websites is not absolutely certain.
Here it is shown that her Ascendant is in Sagittarius and that might be correct, because we kno樂威壯 w that she had been living a great part of her life in India, and we can see that the ruler of Sagittarius (which is Jupiter) is in the ninth house. (more…)
Amazing analysis, no words, analysis of more charts endows u with more knowledge , have u seen any complex charts too, where people marry same persons in same life with different names why does that happen,reading a person life with regard to ancient style esp when your third eye is active is a power Lord Sun gives us all powers and energy, A powerful sage enlighten with it , Its a Ocean filled with wave of minds where everyone seeks their own path of destiny. chances always pass through we sometimes realize sometimes wouldn’t identify it . everyday we learn new things. would be a great if i can communicate with you.