This article is going to be divided into three sections.
Firstly, I will talk about some personal things. Then I will discuss why I’m wearing a mask. Lastly, I will share with you a 2020 EU document on the current situation, and what they are planning for us.
Personal Update
Today in the morning it was -9°C (15.8 °F). The temperature keeps dropping, but I continue my daily walks so that I adjust to the climate. I think I’m doing quite well. I can complete my long walks even in such a temperature.
I’m currently extremely busy and I’m thinking of delegating my work. I want to focus entirely on my astrology work, making videos, and writing articles. So this means I will have to hire people or companies for other work.
There are so many things going on in my life at the moment that I can hardly keep up. I always have Life Assessment work to do, I’m revising my palmistry book, reading driving theory, creating videos, writing articles, and filing documents for my permanent stay in Lithuania.
When under so much pressure, I realized how important it is to delegate. I’m only one person, I can’t do everything.
My plan is to delegate everything that I can and only leave for myself astrology work, making videos, and writing articles. That would be excellent, but, of course, I will need to see how much my finances would allow this to happen.
On mask-wearing
A reader, seeing a social media picture of me wearing a mask, asked why I’m wearing such a thing.
I’m wearing a mask not because I believe in this virus. I’m wearing it because this causes the least friction in society.
People who watch TV every day (the majority) totally believe in the deadliness of this virus. They see those who don’t wear masks as completely insane, as a threat to society. This is the reality they live in, and to act in total contradiction to their beliefs cannot cause them to open their minds.
My way of approach to this situation is to blend in and then share my understanding of the situation if I’m asked for it, and in a gentle way. I don’t think that going totally against their beliefs will open their minds to listen. It would close them completely, rather.
So this is the way that I act. It causes the least friction. You may know that many YouTubers were de-platformed for openly speaking up against the system. Now their voices are lost to many.
I think we should try to be less obvious and blend in more, because this will preserve our voices and therefore get us heard by more people.
The other way will just get us silenced and will create enemies.
What’s in store for us
This EU document was written two months ago. It applies to the entire world, of course, as now the governments of the world are taking identical steps. Yes, some of them may differ, but the meat of the plan is the same.
I read this document with great interest. I will share with you the most important bits I got out of it.
In the document it was deliberated how to make the vaccine more acceptable to those who now refuse it.
What’s going to be used is peer pressure. People refusing to get vaccinated will be blamed from preventing herd immunity from forming. So pressure will be from all sides.
They are not likely to force the vaccine on us, but they will refuse some services if we don’t take it. The main thing emphasized in the document was traveling. No vaccine, no travel. This is very likely to happen, unfortunately.
Another sector is jobs. Certain employments, especially in elderly care and healthcare, will likely to have this requirement. The excuse will be that you will pose risk to patients and the elderly if you don’t get vaccinated.
There was also much talk about tracking people, seeing in real-time how many people took the vaccine, and which areas are more compliant and the opposite.
The last interest thing in the document was how they plan to deal with conspiracy theories. There were several methods suggested, and the one that was particularly interesting was employing celebrities to fight conspiracies.
Nothing new here. Celebrities were employed from the very beginning of this crown virus craze, having identical messages to share. So they are likely to be used to convince people of the safety of the vaccine as well.
I am sad to hear you’re giving in to peer pressure, but alas it’s your choice. I do not wear a mask because I refuse to represent something evil just to please the masses. I am divinely protected, no harm will come to me for doing what is right. Unfortunately if all these clueless people see everyone complying they think yes I must be right in my actions after all. I refuse to be silenced, policed and I have never once worn one of those concealment devices. I wear my bare face proudly. I would rather die than tarnish my soul. What example is it really if you do talk to someone about it? To know the truth and comply anyhow? I have inspired many people to think for themselves and have had many strangers come up to me for help because I am one of the only people not wearing a mask. There are so few people left with brains to think for themselves, even fewer who are brave enough to do what they know is right. Those celebrities give me the creeps. Everyone I know is eager to see the government officials pay for their crimes but forget about these celebrities involvement. The government officials are just actors too. I say these celebrities who are promoting these crimes need to be prosecuted as well.
If that is what you choose, Diane, it’s great, and more power to you. But nobody should be shamed into taking sides. You think you are in the right, others think otherwise. It’s important to give the freedom of choice.
You are the first person that tells me about being happily accepted without wearing a mask, and that people willingly change their minds as a result. All I hear is the opposite. But if you live in an area where people are willing to listen, that’s great.
The ego always wants to make enemies, and the masked people should not be seen as an opposition. We are all brothers and sisters in this world.
How long do you think the mask thing will continue?
More importantly, will the vaccines be harmful in any way?
The whole crown thing is engineered, so it sure is a problem reaction solution thing but do the vaccines play a more sinister role other than the pharma-vaccine mafia?
Hi Utsav, in my opinion, vaccines will make us the property of the elite as they will alter our DNA so I would even forego travel than taking them. I read a doctor’s article in a Lithuanian website stating that masks are likely to stay even after vaccinations as the crown virus won’t disappear that fast, so they were suggesting that masks would stay for a long time. I kind of think this could be true, unfortunately.
Yes agree and agree, I’ve read the same too.
Is there a way to get the shot but still not be identified with the evil, i think you wrote something about getting the mark but still being pure inside which results in one not being identified as one of them.
Or maybe the only way is to not get the shot.
Utsav, I think it’s best not to get it unless you are so detached from the body that, like Nisargadatta Maharaj, you live your own life, and the body – its own. I personally am definitely not at this stage and what the body experiences affects me.
Maybe you can get a medical exemption or assert some religious right not to get the shot and still be able to travel, if that’s why you’re thinking of getting it. There may be some other ways to get the certification without getting the shot, I’m sure, in India. Just saying.
Alright, avoiding is the only solution.
Oh yes, I’ve heard some ppl from US talk about relegion based exemptions but let’s see about that in india.
Looking at the abysmally poor awareness or local unity against crown i fear they might get away by not giving any exemptions but let’s be hopeful.
Yes, for travel.
That would be very sad:( but with such government that you have now, extreme measures are possible, unfortunately.
Thank you for sharing, Simona! I agree with you that wearing a mask and complying (to a certain extent) is definitely better than to risk provoking others or being attacked – as long as it’s not an infringement on bodily integrity, of course, like a mandated vaccine.
In this context, I have to think of Brandy Vaughn. Have you heard about her? She was a vocal activist (against massive childhood vaccinations) and the day before yesterday she passed due to unknown causes. It’s on social media.
I was looking at the EU document you mentioned. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the section on possible travel restrictions for the unvaccinated. Could you possibly tell me the page and maybe paragraph? That would be great – this topic really interests me. Thanks so much.
Also, your plans with your plot of land sound really exciting! 🙂
Thank you, Isabel. At the moment I’m short of time but maybe you can search for the term “travel” or a similar one in the document.
Thanks, Simona! Actually, I did and couldn’t find it, so I thought they used a paraphrase/different phrasing. But no rush at all – if at any moment, you have the time, that would be super. Otherwise, no problem at all – totally understand 🙂
I am wondering how a vaccine would alter our DNA. Have other vaccines done this? I try not to believe in conspiracy theories unless there is real proof.
To me, this virus is causing segregation of people, and more people suffer from the social effects than just getting sick. 🙁
Yes, I read about this, and there are various vaccines developed in different ways. This one, for example, injects DNA into the human body. Personally, because of the flu shots that I got, my health was bad for years. Now I stay away from the medical institution and my health is great. So I will continue doing that, as medical establishments are for profit, and not for health.
Even if one gets a virus without symptoms, a virus stays with them for life; we don’t know if it will act up.
Since a vaccine is a virus, it takes a human lifetime to test for symptoms and side-effects. If one person is asymptomatic to one virus, why force a months-young vaccine(another virus) on that person?
By the way Simona I get so jealous of you! A lot. I gotta back-off sometimes!
Well wishes to you and your readers
Thanks, Todd, but why would you be jealous?
Why do I get jealous?
I over-think and hesitate, while you seem to let go of ideas easier. Plus you know Love.
Last October I tried to meditate and forget about you and my over-analytical desires to create interesting comments; I saw a flash vision of you smiling, and I felt pushed; I almost fell backwards!
I was like “ya ya whatever, I already know she’s strong. Oh wait! Maybe I should write about this! …No no no, get back to meditation…”
So that’s why I get jealous.
….Ohhhhhh fine ok you got me; I get jealous mostly because of them pastries, cookies and pies you baked.
…Show-off : )
Sadly there are morgellons on the masks, there’s so much evidence of this now, if you have been wearing them you have probably breathed them in. They are in the nasal swabs too. This is part of the transhumanism agenda. Masks also represent the loss of your free speech, and are used in satanic rituals (while standing 6ft apart) personally I prefer to walk around mask free while smiling warmly at everyone I encounter and radiating a loving vibration.