It has become so common to beautify your image before submitting it on social networks, so that even men are doing it now. Yet if the enhancements are too great, it can create fear to meet people in person, as they would find out how different you look without filters.
This kind of trend also shows society’s excessive focus on beauty and youth. No one is allowed to have imperfections or signs of aging anymore.
Because of this worship of youth and beauty, aging people are left feeling useless. Instead of them being proud of the amount of knowledge gathered which matures into wisdom, they shy away from the spotlight because of fading looks.
This is such a sad development, never witnessed in the history of the world before. Old people were respected for their life experience and knowledge. Yet now, only youth and beauty are worshiped by most people.
This shying away from the public eye is especially obvious in aging celebrities. For example, Aishwarya Rai is almost nowhere to be seen now. I would love to hear her interviews, and in the last few that I’ve watched, it showed a very image-conscious Aishwarya. People also started criticizing her for her Botox injections to restore the fading looks.

I can say the same about Shahrukh Khan. In the past, he was so talkative and loving the public eye. Now he hardly ever gives interviews.

That’s the thing with people who were beauty icons or famous for the way they looked. They perceive their value to be only in appearance. So once beauty starts fading, they lose confidence and shy away from the spotlight.
Yet the reverse should be the case. Now it’s the time to shine in a different way. Now it’s the time to share experiences and knowledge with the younger generation.
It’s sad to see older stars fighting for the spotlight with new ones. This is a game which they will lose, as you cannot freeze the time and pretend you can be a desirable star for the rest of your life.
Like the body experiences changes, so the career should shift from being all about the person’s looks or even acting ability, to passing the acquired knowledge to the younger generation, or transitioning to suitable roles.
There are so many dysfunctional parents these days, and the youth has no parental figures to turn to. The world needs old and wise people for guidance. Yet if the entire focus is on youth and beauty, the age is robbed of its gifts as the focus is not on the next stage of life but on the one that has passed.
When the aging starts, the accumulated knowledge ripens and turns into wisdom. But where is wisdom if the entire effort is to stop that which is disappearing? The whole focus then is on preserving that which is diminishing, rather than paying attention to what’s increasing.
I’m not suggesting to neglect looks – that’s not at all what I stand for. I myself pay a lot of attention to my health and I take care of my body. All of us should look as presentable as possible as it’s simply more pleasant to interact with people who take care of themselves.
It’s one thing to look great for your age, and quite another to invest all the effort into looking like a teenager. It shows insecurity and it shows that you think that only your youth is valuable. That youth will fade away anyway no matter how much you will try to hold on to it, leaving you feeling valueless.
One of the reasons I love the Indian culture is that old people are still valued in India. They are not stuffed in care homes but stay in families and freely interact with the society.
There are many mature people rich in wisdom and willing to teach the younger generation what they learnt in their long life. Old astrologers, architects, dancers and musicians like to teach the younger students their ways.
This is how it should be in an ideal society. The old people should not be considered useless because their sexual appeal is gone. They should be respected and consulted for knowledge and guidance.
Of course, it’s a different thing when an old person is just a bundle of harmful habits and vicious ways of thinking. All of us should strive to never allow Saturn (whose grip gets harder the older we become) to crystallize our opinions, routines and bodies.
We should stay flexible mentally, physically as well as spiritually, to be always growing and transforming ourselves. If we do, when we are old, we will be stores of wisdom for the younger generation to profit from. And the young do need a lot of guidance these days, as bad role models are abundant.
Those in charge of the world are to blame for the society’s fixation on youth, sex and beauty. I shared I think on Bitchude a document in which a doctor transcribed the talk of one of the members of the elite about how they would socially engineer us with years.
And it was told in that old document that they would encourage even older people to be sexually active. I think the reason they did this is so that people get stuck in that one biological process representing the time of youth, so that they fail to become wise.
After all, the reason for youth and beauty is the propagation of the human race. Flowers develop beautiful blossoms so that they are pollinated to propagate their speeches. This is just how this world works.
Once the youth passes, there should be a natural decline in the need to have sex, as the time period for the propagation of the humanity is finishing.
So fixation on this one thing in old age shows that the person got stuck – that they are focused on the biological function that’s getting irrelevant for them.
There are times for everything. There is a time for being careless and playful as a child. There is a time for searching out a mate, and, for some people, raising children. There’s a time for hard work, and there’s a time for rest.
And then, there’s a time of sharing all that you know, all that you went through, so that other generations learn from your mistakes, and achieve what you’ve achieved with fewer obstacles.
Hi Simona,
Which star combination or star is responsible for exelerated ageing?
Hi Rupali, Saturn or Capricorn can give aging. Bad lifestyle can give aging so something like malfunctioning Mars or sixth house problems (bad habits). Emotions can wear people off, so malfunctioning Moon. These are some possibilities.
Your articles are just brilliant. I am looking forward to the day you get the publicity that you deserve.
Thank you so much, Ricky!