It’s Unwise to Give Your Power Away

It’s Unwise to Give Your Power Away

My above video is different from this article because I was recording what was on my mind, but in content both are very similar.  The video below is a perfect illustration of what happens in major spiritual cults of today, be it in India or the West. I have no...

Am I Against Mind-Altering Substances

This is in response to a few questions that I received as a result of my previous video and article on regaining the Kingdom of God. I was asked if I recommend using mind-altering substances, such as psychedelic mushrooms or LSD, in order to achieve a no-mind, oneness...

Regaining the Kingdom of God

Reading Taoist texts after having deeply researched Hinduism fills all the gaps of each philosophy. I find these two doctrines complementing and explaining each other. Buddhism can also be better understood by studying the previous two belief systems. In this post I...