This Reiki post was written quite a few years ago, when I realized that I’d made a big mistake in getting initiated into this practice.
I wrote this post to warn others not to get involved in this spiritual therapy, as it’s not what people think it is.
It was foolish of me to quickly delve into the unknown waters of Reiki. I might have been badly harmed if I hadn’t stopped on time.
Thankfully, I paid attention to the signs I got after the second Reiki initiation, and thus understood that something’s wrong with this path.
If I haven’t received these two Reiki initiations, I would have never known, so I think it was in my life’s plan to receive them and thus learn the lessons associated with them.
Probably one of the reasons I had to go through this unpleasant experience is to share my findings with my readers.
So here are my reasons for deciding not to offer Reiki services and for revoking my connection with it.
Also, I really don’t want you to feel fearful about any of this information, as you should know that Reiki bonds are completely reversible, and I’ll tell you how to renounce Reiki in this post.
Eight Reasons Why I Decided Not to Offer Reiki Services
1. During Reiki initiations, a curse is put on you in the form of Reiki symbols
You are bound by the demonic forces of Reiki through the spell that’s being put around you by the Reiki teacher. The teacher initiates you by drawing Reiki symbols around you.
You can break this spell by telling aloud that you’re revoking all your connections to Reiki, which initiated you without any knowledge, and thus was illegal in the spiritual realm.
After revoking, in a firm voice, your involvement with Reiki, don’t surprised to be spiritually attacked.
This is a small price to pay for the oppression – this attack will finish without minutes, hours, or sometimes days. Stay strong – those spirits are infuriated to have lost power over you, so they’ll try to intimidate you for a short time.
2. Real healing takes place by using God’s energy without any symbols
The very presence of certain symbols that must be used during Reiki healing is a sign that it’s not of God. The use of symbols initiate you into spiritual movements. You can heal yourself by using pure God’s energy, without the distortion of symbols.
Since you are a part of God (experiencing itself as an individual in a human body), this origin enables you to heal. Some people use their divine energy better than others, but all of us can heal ourselves. We just need to remove certain beliefs that we can’t do this.
Of course, Reiki is a mild initiation, but still it’s an initiation. It keeps you in contact with the entities that are lower than your Divine origin, so there’s no point of getting involved with questionable spirit entities when you have pure God’s energy at your disposal.
There are lots of healers using negative spiritual entities to heal people. Eventually, those healers fall – they are caught abusing children, or doing other despicable deeds. The dark entities in some way show themselves through the movements or people they control. Not all healing is of God.
3. Reiki healers end up transferring the sicknesses of their clients onto themselves
This happened, for example, with my yoga teacher in Rishikesh, India. Thankfully, he understood what was happening and revoked his involvement with Reiki. After revoking this connection, he no longer experienced health problems he used to experience.
If you’re a healer and if you’re getting less and less energetic, please don’t ignore this but renounce this questionable practice and get rid of all the written Reiki symbols.
You should also get rid of everything associated with this practice, because any items associated with Reiki count as cursed objects, and through them this influence will be maintained in your life.
4. Religious and spiritual groups who are about spiritual secrets and initiations don’t serve the highest god
Many people who honestly want to help humanity are tricked into belonging to such groups. False spirituality groups always promise some gain upon initiation.
They appear secretive and alluring, and they promise greater secrets to be disclosed or greater power to be given after the initiation or joining.
Don’t fall for this. It’s a lie to recruit more slaves to do the bidding of the higher forces responsible for such spiritual movements. God isn’t secretive – Its creation is an open book for all who want to read it.
You can read this Divine book by living in accordance with the laws of this Universe. The most important law is to behave with others the way you want to be treated.
5. When you get initiated into Reiki, you open yourself up to the influences of all those that were initiated before you
There is some kind of energy portal which you get into upon your initiation into Reiki. It’s felt by really sensitive people when they’re getting initiated.
You become open to all the influences connected with it and the previous initiates. That’s what my symbolic dream was about, which I’ll share with you towards the end of this post.
6. Reiki doesn’t empower the client, Nor does it address the cause of illness
Reiki doesn’t destroy the root of the disease, but only its manifestation. Since the cause isn’t addressed, it will come back again, in one form or another.
The client ends up learning nothing from such a temporary relief, and is likely to spend more money on another temporary healing when the unaddressed cause manifests in another unwelcome form.
7. Reiki transfers Negative Spiritual Entities onto the clients
Reiki practitioners not only are themselves full of negative spiritual entities received upon initiation(s), but they transfer those entities onto their clients. Spiritual entities can stay in several bodies at the same time as they’re not bound by matter.
Be careful whom you spiritually open up to, therefore, and avoid allowing any symbol to be spiritually drawn over you.
Another way negative entities can enter your aura is if it’s weakened and someone blows their breath into your face. This was a common practice by the black magicians in Tibet, for example.
8. According to my own research about what happened to Reiki masters initiated by Hawayo Takata, no real successes are found
One of the oldest Reiki masters started calling himself “master of masters” and now offers exorcism.
He’s likely to be possessed, which is again not a very good sign of Reiki initiation. Also, strangely enough, I couldn’t find any of his pictures.
Lastly, Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki…
…had been experiencing significant trouble paying his bills. He travelled to Fukuyama to negotiate a resolution with his creditors and died of a stroke in the process.
— Wikipedia
People don’t understand that working for the Kingdom of Darkness isn’t going to produce good fruits. It is indeed true that we can understand if we’re involved with positive or negative side of spirituality by the effects that it produces.
For all those who’ve spent a lot of money or committed to Reiki in other big ways and thus don’t want to believe in this information, here’s what I have to say.
It doesn’t matter how much you’re invested into this practice. If it’s negative, accept the losses and don’t attract more of them by continuing with the practice.
My symbolic dream
I got a symbolic dream after the Reiki initiation of standing in the middle of the road and seeing thousands of wild beasts running towards me.
I quickly got out of their way and hid in the corner. Still, a small stream of young beasts ran my way and left hundreds of scratches on my face.
I didn’t fear how I looked in the mirror after I saw what had happened. The scratches healed very quickly, and the next time I looked in the mirror, I just saw two scratches that were about to heal completely.
This dream couldn’t be clearer about what I’ve opened myself to, and it showed that I would manage to close this force quickly, before it does any lasting harm.
Reiki energy, therefore, is not the pure divine energy. We wouldn’t need to get initiated were it so. The specific symbols written onto our auras represent specific entities being invited.
Rather than continuing with this questionable practice, it’s better to live in accordance with the divine laws, and, as a result, to become a naturally healthy being who is the perfect representation of the divine power on this earth.
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