I don’t write about angels, guides or galactic contacts, because those can be distracting and irrelevant to the spiritual-growth journey.
Like Jesus said, and I’m shortening it here, First seek the Kingdom of God, and then everything shall be added onto you. So first, we should get deep within ourselves to find our true nature, and then, if need be, we can delve into the subjects covered by the New Age movement.
However, I’ll make an exception to the subject of energy portals. They really work, and they help in your spiritual growth by giving you access to a higher version of yourself.
Again, we are dealing with intangible things here, so words can only go that far. But what a portal does is this. Through your agreement to go through it, it gives you access to a more pure energy signature of you. It feels like an upgrade, like accessing a part of you that you didn’t know you had.
So it’s like, by your permission, you get galactic help which supports your ascension, or, in other words, awakening.
In the past, I was skeptical about portals, like I am about many other New Age subjects. Though some things are true in the mentioned movement, there are many lies mixed in, so I’m always careful about what information I let in from such sources.
But a month ago, as I was watching something on YouTube, a video popped up, just released from a woman I have never seen before.
She felt guided to make an impromptu video about the 11/11 portal, and told to verbally or in your mind agree to enter the portal, and say the following:
I am ready now to release all that no longer serves me, even all of the former attachments, judgments, and safety mechanisms that I have utilized throughout my experience in my third-dimensional world.
I am now ready to release all judgments and conditions of attachment which had kept me divided from my full awareness of Self.
This portal opens to me know.
And so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
(To make it most potent, you should affirm this on the corresponding time. She actually was insistent about it, yet, upon more reading, some people say that the potency is for the whole day, and some even give more or less a week for this kind of event.)
(So for the 11/11, the perfect time to agree to enter the portal is 11.11 am or 11.11 pm. And for 12/12, of course, it would be 12.12 am or pm. I’d recommend doing it in the morning, so that if you miss the opening, you can do it at night, too.)
Something within me urged me to do it. So I set up an alarm to go off some minutes before 11.11 am, and the rest is my diary entry.
By the way, if you are new here – as I work for myself, I can wake up at any time. And since I’m a night person, I tend to wake up very late. (That’s in case anyone’s confused why I fell back to sleep after the affirmation.)
***The dream and interpretation are long – if you want to skip to the conclusion, please check the bottom of the post.***
11/11 Diary entry
I woke up at 11 am, to await for 11.11 am time. Exactly at this time, I told the suggested affirmation.
After this, I spent time without any thoughts, relaxed and in meditation. I saw some colors in my third eye and felt a little pulling in my head, and then drifted off to sleep.
I had a dream of being by the lake with other people. I was a little afraid of going into the dark blue waters of the lake because it had a whirlpool. I knew I should go into it, but I was afraid of being sucked in.
I kept observing the lake, and saw the whirlpool disappearing. I asked other people if a whirlpool was no longer there, and they affirmed it. So I went into it, and was surprised how shallow and not scary at all it was (I had nearly drowned twice in my life, that’s why deep waters are a no for me).
So I got more and more relaxed in the water, to the point of attempting to swim across the lake, then tried another style of swimming, and when I was totally at ease, I lay on my back totally relaxed, just floating in the water.
Next thing I know, I’m on a solid ground in a totally different location, yet near the lake. I had no idea how I got there and how much time had passed. My hair was wet.
I knew where to go, though the location was new. I put on clothes that were by the lake, and headed to a building some distance away, to wash my face and dry my hair inside.
It was a huge school I was heading to, in which a grand celebration was about to take place.
Now, the energy of that anticipated event was beyond description. It’s something I never experienced before. It’s like waiting for some kind of huge spiritual event to take place which would change your life.
There were many people waiting in anticipation, in the mood of celebration. All of them were so holy, their faces were shining like suns, not literally, but the glow was that of the sun.
Everything was grand – the amount of people, the divine atmosphere, the size of the building. The area was permeated with an almost visible golden glow, and I felt such vast spaciousness, royalty and upliftment all mixed into one.
Though the crowd was huge, it wasn’t like the unruly crowds of this world. Everyone was so happy yet divinely happy – very well-behaved, with smiles on their faces, silently awaiting a grand event to start. I felt like I totally belonged there, that I was among those of my own.
I went up the steps of the vast entry to the school building. The steps were many, to be finally met by huge, and I mean huge, heavy open gates, and people standing on both sides of the gates.
Those people were there to make sure the event went smoothly, and to hand people certain presents.
Before entering, I was given some sort of scroll from the Pope, who was the one in whose honor the event was organized.
In real life, I am not a fan of popes – quite the opposite. But this was no worldly pope, and I felt honored to receive the scroll wrapped in a luxurious spiraling golden and red wrap.
I got some more gifts too, and before entering I double-checked if I got the letter from the Pope, as that was the most important thing to receive. Yes, it was there.
As I entered, without thinking, I left my shoes at the door (like entering Indian temples, where shoes are not allowed). Beyond the entry gates there was a hallway of incredible vastness.
I went to find a bathroom to prepare for the event – to wash my face and dry my hair. With some searching, I managed to find one.
But before preparing, I wanted to check all the gifts I got at the gate. So there was the scroll, something else I just can’t or not supposed to remember, the letter from the Pope, and Pope’s coin with his face on it (not a worldly pope’s face!).
Also, there were a few sweets named “5 cent”, and there was an image of a key on each of them.
That’s all I remember of the dream.
When I woke up, I felt different. I felt lighter, more spacious, and there was so much joy in my heart. There was a shift within me, and I knew I was entering a different chapter of my life.
Read more about what this shift has led me to in the Conclusion part of the post.
Dream interpretation
A lake with a whirlpool is obviously a portal, as I ended up in another location after entering it.
(The people near the lake knew I wouldn’t go into the waters if I felt any danger, because of my past traumas associated with lakes and rivers. So they kind of tricked me into entering the lake when the whirlpool was out of my sight, knowing that there’s no danger in entering the whirlpool.)
Water often represents consciousness in the dream, but for emotional people it can represent emotions.
Pope is likely to represent God. Again, dreams show everything in symbols, so a symbol for divine power could indeed be a pope. Interestingly, I googled if popes have their own coins, and indeed they do, and Vatican has its own coins! I’ve included a sketch of the dream imagery at the end of the post.
Sweets represent rewards, and money represent abundance of any kind.
So the interpretation of the dream is that by agreeing to enter the 11:11 portal, I gave the permission to be helped in my ascension. I received, as a result, some divine gifts which are unfolding now, and a spiritual quickening.
Now, as I’m writing about this exactly a month later, awaiting the next portal, indeed a lot has shifted. For more than five months, I was spending time on my own on the homestead, engaging in mindfulness practices to deepen my presence.
The shift started from the portal entry date. The influx of fresh energy started growing within me, giving me inspired ideas about the formation of a spiritual group to meet every Sunday on Zoom, which I have just opened.
(I got such ideas before, but for a month, they would come through with much greater force, the one I could no longer ignore.)
I also just booked my flight to a beautiful place, and made an announcement to the group members about it, in case anyone would like to join me to have a budget mindfulness retreat. And two people are likely to be going – they are making the arrangements for this to happen.
So this is no dreamy new-age invention. Portals are very powerful energy-shifting tools. I encourage you to utilize it fully and update me in the comments about how it went for you.
I know the dates themselves and time counting is man-made, but this works, so I’m sharing it. I would love to hear your experiences about this. If anything happens to you – let me know in the comments, please!