It seems that time is always passing, but is it, really?
Time doesn’t actually exist, just like space.
Time seems to exist, because we see things changing. We see things coming into life, growing and dying. We see the light of the day being replaced by the darkness of the night. The observation of this change gave birth to the idea of measurement by segmenting repetitive patterns into hours, days and months.
The only reason things are born and die (and seazons are a replay of birth, growth, decay and death over and over again), is because they don’t exist. If they would really exist they would not die. Anything that changes can’t be real.
The only thing that’s real is the one which enables this dream to temporarily be — because that one always stays the same.
The dreamer of the dream is real, but the dream itself, with its characters, events and places, is not. It’s the dream character who spiritually progresses. There’s no spiritual progress in truth, as spirit is perfect. But a spiritualized dream eventually leads to an awakening from it, as the happy dream serves as a bridge to God.
When you dream at night, you find yourself in dream time and space. You totally believe you are the character of the dream, existing in a certain place and in some body, and experiencing the passage of time. Yet, in truth, you are sound asleep in your bed.
The “reality” we find ourselves in during the waking hours is of the same nature, though it’s a collective dream and not a private one. As long as any of the parts of God believe in it and value anything within it, it will continue. But any of us are free to remember that we never left our true home, and that we are just dreaming. Realizing this, the dream becomes a happy one, until we wake up.
It’s valuable to learn lucid dreaming or astral projection for this reason: you start understanding that something which can feel so real, isn’t. Also, some lucid dreamers spent years, even lifetimes, in a dream, yet upon waking they realized only several hours had passed.
Also, this can happen not only to those consciously willing to explore finer matter places such as the astral realm, but also to those involved in accidents.
Here is a fascinating story of a Reddit user about his parallel life. I removed swear words in several places.
A Parallel Life / Awoken By A Lamp
throw away account cause this is really personal.
My last semester at a certain college I was assulted by a football player for walking where he was trying to drive (note he was 325lbs I was 120lbs), while unconscious on the ground I lived a different life.
I met a wonderful young lady, she made my heart skip and my face red, I pursued her for months and dispatched a few jerk boyfriends before I finally won her over, after two years we got married and almost immediately she bore me a daughter.
I had a great job and my wife didn’t have to work outside of the house, when my daughter was two she [my wife] bore me a son. My son was the joy of my life, I would walk into his room every morning before I left for work and doted on him and my daughter.
One day while sitting on the couch I noticed that the perspective of the lamp was odd, like inverted. It was still in 3D but… just.. wrong. (It was a square lamp base, red with gold trim on 4 legs and a white square shade). I was transfixed, I couldn’t look away from it. I stayed up all night staring at it, the next morning I didn’t go to work, something was just not right about that lamp.
I stopped eating, I left the couch only to use the bathroom at first, soon I stopped that too as I wasn’t eating or drinking. I stared at the lamp for 3 days before my wife got really worried, she had someone come and try to talk to me, by this time my cognizance was breaking up and my wife was freaking out. She took the kids to her mother’s house just before I had my epiphany…. the lamp is not real…. the house is not real, my wife, my kids… none of that is real… the last 10 years of my life are not real!
The lamp started to grow wider and deeper, it was still inverted dimensions, it took up my entire perspective and all I could see was red, I heard voices, screams, all kinds of weird noises and I became aware of pain…. a ton of pain… the first words I said were “I’m missing teeth” and opened my eyes. I was laying on my back on the sidewalk surrounded by people that I didn’t know, lots were freaking out, I was completely confused.
At some point a cop scooped me up, dragged/walked me across the sidewalk and grass and threw me face down in the back of a cop car, I was still confused.
I was taken to the hospital by the cop (seems he didn’t want to wait for the ambulance to arrive) and give CT scans…
I went through about 3 years of horrid depression, I was grieving the loss of my wife and children and dealing with the knowledge that they never existed, I was scared that I was going insane as I would cry myself to sleep hoping I would see her in my dreams. I never have, but sometimes I see my son, usually just a glimpse out of my peripheral vision, he is perpetually 5 years old and I can never hear what he says.
From Reddit.com
There are many accounts like this one, but this story really fascinates with me for two reasons.
First, he figured out his parallel life wasn’t real and woke up from it. That’s what’s told in ACIM, too — by really internalizing the Christ mindset, you finally realize you are dreaming, and you wake up in God.
Gary Renard, an author of a famous book The Disappearance of the Universe, also told in one of his books (I read them all but don’t remember in which book he wrote this) that some of his readers had the experience of ceilings opening up, when they really started getting the dream nature of this “reality”. And isn’t it funny that it’s called reality, as though to convince ourselves that it’s real?
The second thing why this story stood out for me was for the fact that he described the threshold experience of hearing all sorts of weird noises. All lucid dreamers and astral projectors are familiar with this experience of crossing over into another plane.
Those planes are just as real as this one. Some even report some planes being more real than this reality itself, though I haven’t experienced those particular planes so I can’t be sure of the validity of such claims. But some planes are just as real as this one, some look identical to the earth, some are more fluid, and low vibrational ones are more dense to the point that it can even be difficult to walk, let alone fly like in other ones.
The Inception movie portrayed lucid dreaming perfectly, and it’s good it showed how confusing it can get for frequent lucid dreamers to know whether they’re awake or asleep. In truth, we are always asleep, until we wake up safe in God.
But even without using astral experiences as examples, we can feel the unreality of time in this so-called “reality”. If you enjoy something, time passes fast, and if you dislike the experience or activity, time seams to painfully drag.
When you start living more and more in the present moment, time and memory start losing importance, so it’s harder for you to say exactly when certain events took place. It just becomes not important, so it’s an effort to go into your mind to figure such things out. This is sometimes required when dealing with those yet firmly stuck in the matrix. It feels low vibration and a big waste of energy.
Those firmly stuck in time place big importance on dates of all sorts, and God forbid you forget them. Death and wedding anniversaries, birthdays, national celebrations are very important for such ones. Yet when you live in the now, dates feel so artificial, as all you have is Now, Now, Now, all the way into eternity.
As you stay more and more present, your mind, being gradually freed from the illusion of time and space, can travel to any place and time. This is only possible though when you truly understand the invalidity of time and space.
Such mental travels, though exciting indeed, should not be desired but should be a natural development on your way to God. Instead of wishing for such an experience and it becoming another trap keeping you stuck in a dream, it should be used as an inspiration to continue ego undoing, as if it gets so exciting on the way to God, how much more would be to reach your destination!
Thanks again Simona.
In ancient Buddhist philosophy too it has been said that Time is only a construct, a conception.
Thank you, Champika.
Very fascinating read! Thank you Simona, it really resonates with me deeply.