All true spiritual teachings talk about the same thing. That there’s a stranger in our selves, the one that pretends to be us, the one that fears, argues, and worries about one’s image. The one that sees things the way that they are not.
That stranger sits in our minds, and those not on the spiritual path may have no inkling that it’s not they who are worried or feel upset. This stranger does such a perfect job of pretending to be us, that people really think that they are worried, that they are angry, and so forth.
Studying ACIM and delving into other true spiritual teachings such as those of Eckhart Tolle made me see this stranger in my mind. I stopped believing in it, and focused on the present moment instead. Therefore, its grip started lessening, as it got no sustenance from my attention or emotions.
And what is being revealed is divine — peace, joy from no external cause, and overflowing love that I want to share in the form of good wishes, encouragements, compliments, and creativity. This beautiful vibration naturally attracts correspondingly beautiful events, loving people and more abundance.
I will be eternally grateful for those, such as Helen Schucman, who made these vital teachings available for the sleeping humanity.
Take not the judgment of the world as answer to the question “What am I?” ²The world believes in sin, but the belief that made it as you see it is not outside you. ³Seek not to make the Son of God adjust to his insanity. ⁴There is a stranger in him, who wandered carelessly into the home of truth and who will wander off. ⁵He came without a purpose, but he will not remain before the shining light the Holy Spirit offered and you accepted. ⁶For there the stranger is made homeless, and you are welcome. ⁷Ask not this transient stranger, “Who am I?” ⁸He is the only thing in all the universe that does not know. [CE T-20.III.7]
Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sitteth as God in the temple of God, showing himself to be God. [2 Thessalonians 2:3–4]
So good. I too feel the overflowing of This, when my mind is not too active. I think ACIM has brought this about <3
That’s wonderful, Ashwin!