Even though you may get inspired to do something from your True Self, the ego can take over at any point.
For example, you get inspired to write a book, but then you start being impatient as to when you finish it, or you get frustrated by the writing going not as smoothly.
So the idea might have indeed come from the Source, but the ego got in the way with its judgments and expectations, creating misery for you.
Be always on guard, therefore, against the ego interference. Whenever any kind of misery sets in, know that the ego has become involved.
Whenever there’s stress, irritation, competition or impatience, the ego got involved.
If this happens, go back to the center – go back to yourself. Dwell there, content.
External forms shift and change, and they are out of your control usually to a large extent. There’s no need to manage them, because if you try to and things don’t go according to the plan, you’ll be disappointed.
All you need to know is that all will work out to your advantage if you stay centered, trusting your True Self, and not being attached to any particular outcome.
Never take yourself out of the equilibrium by leaning towards things external and trying to control them. Let them be, knowing that all is unfolding to your benefit when you dwell in your True Nature.
Also, expect the best from others, and trust more than distrust. Being this way, you’re not leaving the Source, as you stay true to Its nature. So no matter how people are or what they do, all will work out to your benefit.
So it’s totally fine to get inspired to achieve some goal. But guard against the ego usurping it by trying to control its outcome or process.
Trust that the Universal Intelligence wants only your well-being, and It will grant you what’s best for you, sometimes way beyond your expectation – as long as the claws of the ego are out of the manifestation process.