When the ruler of the ninth house is in the eleventh house, this means that your goals may be related to travels, writing, publishing, other cultures and/or spirituality.

For example, your dream may be to live in another country or to visit some distant place in another continent. It could be a spiritual exploration of some distant place, or getting acquainted with some overseas culture. You may have a goal about writing a book, interacting with other cultures, or achieving enlightenment.

Some other goals that this placement may point to can be in the field of science or teaching. You may aim to teach others about the subjects that you excel in. You may aim to teach others about your understanding of spirituality or science.

All the mentioned subjects can also bring a steady supply of income if this combination is not afflicted. The better and stronger this astrological configuration is, the more money will flow from such activities.

Furthermore, if such a combination is not afflicted and is ruled by a benefic, not only can you get income from the mentioned activities and subjects, but you’ll also find them bringing more happiness and success into different areas of your life.

You may have a goal of learning something that you’re interested in, likely to be through the pursuit of higher education. But if this combination is afflicted or not strong, it could be in the form of some online course or reading bits about your interests here and there.

With an afflicted combination, you’re likely to not complete such courses, or you may, during your independent learning, become interested in some other subject and abandon such studies.

Also, if the ruler of the ninth house in the eleventh house is afflicted, it means that though you may have dreams about the topics mentioned here, you are not likely to achieve them, or if you do, they will turn out to be different from what you expected, or they won’t bring the kind of fulfillment you hoped they would.