When I was in India the last time, I visited Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra in Bangalore. It was founded by Yogananda himself in 1917. You can see the picture of this place just above.
It had a beautiful atmosphere, and satsang hours went by really fast. At the end of the gathering, I went to the room where they were selling various spiritual books and images.
I purchased six paintings – three bigger ones, and three smaller ones, of Babaji, Sri Yukteswar, and Lahiri Mahasaya.
Once I was back in my farmhouse, I placed the biggest paintings in the places most frequented by me – in the bedroom, kitchen, and living room.
These paintings have powerful energies emanating from them, which gives a spiritual atmosphere to my home. When a volunteer was visiting me, she said the atmosphere of my farmhouse was the same she experienced when she was volunteering in a monastery. I believe this is because of my meditations, and also because of these paintings.
If you want to make your spiritual path easier, and if you want to be helped with the regularity of your spiritual practices, I highly encourage you to have the images of spiritual figures placed in the most frequently used places in your home.
Ideally, you should buy those images from spiritual places or people, as they’ll be more powerful than if you would just buy them from usual commercial establishments.
Having spiritual images at home is a custom among Indian people, and it instantly gives divine auras to their dwellings. But it’s not at all usual in the homes of the people of the West. It’s likely to do with the Christian prohibition of not picturing the Divine so that the picture itself doesn’t become the point of worship.
We live in different times, however, and in this age few people would actually believe that the image itself is a god. By having physical representations of that which is divine, your mind naturally dwells on such topics. This can only translate into a good outcome.
Such divine images also provide more protection to your home, because when the vibrations are more harmonious, the home naturally looks less appealing to the people with bad intentions.
Everything in this world has their own vibrations, even the things that are not alive. In truth, everything is alive, as the energy they are made of is a living, conscious energy.
So when you place divine images or other divine representations in your home, its vibration automatically increases. If you also remove clutter and low-vibration items, your home becomes much more inviting to the energies of order, happiness, abundance, and higher understanding.
Your home is an extension of you as you spend a lot of time there. You can mold it in a way so that it matches the ends you want to achieve (such as more spiritual progress), or, if you do nothing about its condition, it will start molding you.
So I hope you’ll be proactive and make your home a place you are happy to go back to, a place which becomes inviting to life’s blessings, and which provides the best atmosphere for spiritual progress.
Dear Simona,
was a little worried about you since you hadn’t posted anything for some time. was wondering whether you were ok. I am relieved now ):
I am seeing this post of yours when I have been contemplating on buying some spiritual pictures for my newly renovated house. Right now I have not hung anything. I have a Buddha statue placed on a small cupboard in the living room. It really inspires me. was thinking on buying one or two Buddhist pictures. Thanks so much once again for your post. take care.
You are very welcome, Champika. I’m super busy right now, thank you so much for your concern. It looks like this content piece was timely for you.
very timely I should say ): thanks again Simona
Hi Simona, you don’t post anything new anymore ? I miss your videos. I hope you are Ok. Are you going back to India this year? Much love ❤️
Aww thank you so much, Alyce. I’m focusing on my astrology channel and current clients. I’m now making video series on twelve zodiac signs, you can see my face there When I have more time, I’ll certainly post on my old channel too.