In this video, I shared my dream about uncovering the ego structure. In the dream, I became aware of giant creatures in my pond.
Since they were unmoving, at first I didn’t notice them, but as soon as I saw them, I couldn’t believe my eyes how big they were – a giant turtle with two snakes.
The interpretation of the dream was uncovering the ego structure in my consciousness. Water often means consciousness in dreams, and the beast is the ego.
We operate through this structure without seeing it. But as the Christ mind starts working on us, it begins revealing the beastly mechanism operating within us.
The stranger in your midst
Yesterday, I was on ACIM lesson 160. It talked of the “stranger in your midst” which you can’t recognize because you gave him your rightful place.
Now you’re out of your home, not knowing yourself, and seeking your true self.
By a beautiful synchronicity, yesterday I thought of watching one of Tone’s from Life is But a Dream YouTube channel lives, and I selected the very live explaining more about the stranger within us.
It’s the live about Leviathan. (He tends to take down his lives, so I cannot guarantee his video is still up.)
In the video, he explained that there’s a foreign, anti-Christ mechanism that we operate through, not knowing that’s what we’re doing, until we awaken.
It’s the beast of the sea in us which raises its head when someone upsets us, for example, or when things don’t go our way. It then goes back into the sea, not to be seen at all, when things go according to how we wish.
It’s this beast that we must kill for us to free ourselves from this dream.
We wouldn’t even be able to see it except for the mind of Christ. So Christ in us points out the workings of this beast – anything that’s not of love.
As we refuse to act according to the whims of that beast and do not get angry or upset at whatever tries to trigger us, we are killing that beast.
Tone explains that refusing to act according to the beast is like refusing to take a shot, so we get more sober. (I explain it in my words.)
We always have a choice whether to react to anything or not, and when we get tired of this dream of life, we stop perpetuating the dream through habitual reactions.
How to kill the beast of the sea
ACIM gives a perfect way to dissolve this dream – through forgiveness. So when anything triggers us – anything at all, be it a person or event – we understand that what we see is not real.
Beyond this ego mirage is the truth of Christ; and so in order to get to that Kingdom that belongs to us, we gladly forgive that which doesn’t exist.
In one of the lives, I heard Tone call this dream an overlay, which is such an accurate way of describing it. Though it looks very real, it’s an overlay hiding the Kingdom of God.
When we react to what we see, we perpetuate it. When we align in our behavior with that of the Kingdom – radiating only love, compassion, healing and forgiveness – the sick overlay starts dissolving, and we start seeing the Kingdom.
So as the beast of the sea doesn’t get its food supply of our energy, it starts dying. And as it’s dying, we are taking back what belongs to us – the role of the creator of this dream of life, instead of being at the mercy of it.
How most humans try to go back to God
Not knowing of the stranger within, many try to get back to God without undoing the anti-Christ in them. It is impossible to go back without shedding this unnatural consciousness.
Instead of working on undoing the lack of love within, most seekers keep this anti-Christ mechanism, this beast of the sea, and try to interpret spiritual things through this mechanism that remains undetected. That cannot take them back to the Kingdom, because they’re identified with that which is not of God.
So it’s not about gaining more knowledge, and not even about regular meditation. Meditation helps a lot, but if the earthly concepts remain within one, which cause you to judge and react, the Kingdom, which is spread upon the earth, won’t be seen:
The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the Earth but men do not see it.
— Gospel of Thomas
We are asked in ACIM to be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom. This means monitoring our thoughts and uprooting everything that’s not of love.
If we are attentive, those beastly thoughts won’t be hard to spot, as we have the light of Christ in us directing our way back. But those still wanting to play the drama of life will not acknowledge the darkness within.
As we work on removing foreign concepts from us by no longer believing in them and therefore not being controlled by them, we shed the layers of false self until we equal in our being to the Kingdom of God.