I feel like I’m back from the dead due to the food poisoning I got as a result of eating sweets from the ISKCON temple in Bangalore.
I was lying in bed for two days, but now, with more energy, I’m back:)
I’ve just created the course, which was in my mind for around a month.
If an idea doesn’t leave your mind, it’s likely to be from your Higher Self, urging you to take action to align you with your true path. So I had to follow this urge and create the course.
The course is called “A Concise OBE Course to Shift Your Frequency”, and I’ve made an introductory video about it here.
The course will be released in a few days’ time, and will be available for non-members to order for seven days, after which it will be accessible in the Inner Circle only.
This course is designed to raise your vibration through:
- Eliminating your death fears (as during astral travel you understand there’s no death)
- Getting you in touch with your Greater Self (and thus understanding how powerful, unique, and lovable you are)
- Getting you in touch with guides (so that you know you’re never alone and that you’re loved)
- Allowing you to deconstruct any limiting beliefs in the astral
- Allowing you to change your life blueprint and thus destiny (a new development for us as humans)
- Filling you with attractive, other-worldly energy
- Making you perceive life as a movie/game/school, thus removing much seriousness from it and thus heavy energies
The course covers the following topics
- Who are the non-physical entities around you when you’re projecting and how to deal with them.
- How to understand your personality is not you but a construct only used in this current life and why it’s so freeing to know this.
- How to gain more lucidity in your physical life until it carries over into your dream life.
- The best lucidity-inducing techniques that worked for me and which are likely to work for you, too, with clear examples.
- Why reality checks sometimes fail and how to avoid this mistake.
- How long it usually takes to learn astral projection.
- The most powerful sound to easily astral project.
- How to create the best circumstances to induce astral projection.
- How to gain universal energy for more stable and frequent astral projections.
- Some things that may prevent astral projection.
- Some spirit tricks which prevent people from successfully leaving their bodies.
- Two ways to travel out of your body: via astral and mental bodies.
- How to leave the body with your astral body.
- How to project using your mental body.
- Differences between astral and mental body projections.
- Why sometimes people try yet are unable to astral project.
- How to progress in your astral journeys.
- What causes people to tune out of astral worlds.
- How to stay longer in astral worlds.
- How to be able to go back to some astral place which you liked.
- What to do if you encounter negative entities in the astral.
- What to do if you fear to astral project.
- Why some people are unable to enter the real astral and are kept in an astral testing ground.
- Your creative capacities in the astral.
- How to remember your astral journeys.
- When it’s dangerous to astral project.
- How to check now whether your astral journeys will be happy or scary.
- Astral sex.
- …and more!
It’s a concise, one-hour-long video which will be available as an unlisted YouTube video. Its cost will be $49, and it will be available only 7 days after its publishing for non-members. After the order, you’ll get a link to watch the unlisted video, and you can also download it if you wish (however, without sharing it publicly) through services such as en.savefrom.net. Again, this course will be released shortly – please check this blog or my social media for updates. |