Our bodies are the vehicles to operate with in this physical dimension. Like cars, some are better-built than others, and some are more fancy and more powerful than others.
But, like any machine, if neglected or misused, it starts to malfunction; whilst if a poorly-built and cheap vehicle is well-maintained, it could outlast a powerful and expensive one!
Uncontrolled emotions, an inability to switch off the chatting mind, and identification with mental talk hurt the body as much as anything physical. It just takes some time for the body to show this.
Actually, the thoughts and emotions are the causes of seemingly more serious physical happenings. So that’s where we need to start – at the level of the mind – for the body to be able to heal itself.
Or, to even more accurately put, we need to go beyond the mind level to the Spirit, as this is the Source which takes care of everything.