The Importance of Serious Spiritual Study

The Importance of Serious Spiritual Study

I will give you a metaphor to illustrate the need of a serious spiritual study. It’s like you’re on a ship, and you see far in the distance an iceberg. The ship’s helm, however, cannot be turned in any direction to avoid the crash. All you can do is...
The Origin of Fear and How to End It

The Origin of Fear and How to End It

The origin of fear is separation. There was no fear at first, but as a result of us thinking we had separated from God, fear came into being. Actually, fear only exists as long as we dream we are separate from God. So fear can only be found in a dream of separation....
Today I Will Make No Decisions by Myself

Today I Will Make No Decisions by Myself

Since this morning, I had an ACIM text on my mind about Christ guidance. Entering the remembered phrases into the search box of the book publisher, I’ve found the chapter I was looking for – 30.1. This particular chapter explains that we can only have a...
The Unreality of Time and Space

The Unreality of Time and Space

It seems that time is always passing, but is it, really? Time doesn’t actually exist, just like space. Time seems to exist, because we see things changing. We see things coming into life, growing and dying. We see the light of the day being replaced by the darkness of...
The Tip of an Iceberg

The Tip of an Iceberg

I’m in the ACIM lesson pattern at the moment which asks you to contemplate certain sentences for the first five minutes of every waking hour. At first, I found this quite burdensome, not much looking forward to it, as it felt like an intrusion to whatever...
Inner Circle Posts Ebook Is Now Released

Inner Circle Posts Ebook Is Now Released

I’ve just released the Inner Circle Posts ebook, which contains all my Inner Circle articles, without video or course links. I thought it would take much longer to close the membership and start releasing the products, but I found working on my website a...