Energy Reading

This email energy reading is suitable for those who can’t get clarity about a situation because of inability to connect with their intuition. It could be because of a mind that’s too busy with thoughts, stress, or worry, for example.

The question should take up half a page or less, and I’ll answer in around a page. If you want to write a longer question or receive an extra page of answer, please edit the service quantity before ordering.

There doesn’t have to be a specific question either – you can simply order your overall energy reading, which is the most fun reading to do of all.

I’ll answer your question in a few days’ time.

This offer is no longer available, but there is a Zoom consultation here.

About the Email Consultation

I recently made myself available for email consultations, and here’s a concerning small trend I’ve noticed which is important to talk about.

Some people simply want me to tell them what to do.

This is not what my email consultation is about, so I’ll rename it Energy Reading, so that it better reflects the essence of my work.

I would never tell people exactly what action to take, because this makes me responsible for the outcome, and it makes them invest their power into me. Telling people exactly what to do makes them rely on you more and more, rather than learning to make decisions from within.

So the energy reading is exactly about that: reading the energy of the causes of your current state, giving more clarity about what’s energetically there in your current state of being and life, and the outcomes that may happen if you stay in that being, or what will happen if you change your current state of being.

So this reading provides more clarity about where you are and available routes, which enables you to make better choices. So what I’m doing is never telling you exactly what action to take, but I make you more aware of where you are, so that you see a bigger picture and can make a better choice.

I very often use tarot cards for structuring the energies I’m feeling, because I pull one for the past or causes of your present state, the other about your present state, and the next about the future. So, like those who work with energies know, this or similar aids can help to structure the reading.

This offer is no longer available, but there is a Zoom consultation here.