Hi there, this is an Inner Circle post which is included in this ebook.
Andrew Clayton
on May 30, 2021 at 9:44 pm
Nice article, thanks. Guidance and God’s plan largely puzzle me.
I settled down to read it having just come back from getting my second covid jab, so I thought that amusing (though I suppose you do not). I must be ungodly.
on June 3, 2021 at 9:14 am
So,do you know exactly what they’ve injected into your body?
on June 1, 2021 at 2:24 am
I want to weaken my conditioning but sometimes I get little fears that getting rid of thoughts will make me lifeless. I had resentments and those resentments gave me energy to do things to prove people wrong. Without resentments and envy I don’t have the energy to do much.
Nice article, thanks. Guidance and God’s plan largely puzzle me.
I settled down to read it having just come back from getting my second covid jab, so I thought that amusing (though I suppose you do not). I must be ungodly.
So,do you know exactly what they’ve injected into your body?
I want to weaken my conditioning but sometimes I get little fears that getting rid of thoughts will make me lifeless. I had resentments and those resentments gave me energy to do things to prove people wrong. Without resentments and envy I don’t have the energy to do much.